QStore4S Installation

System Requirements

To install QStore4S you need:

Download QStore4S

Download the latest version of QStore4S from Github: http://sourceforge.net/projects/store4s/files/; or clone the repository: QStore4S GitHub page.

Build with Maven

If you are comfortable using Maven, you can build and deploy QStore4S with Maven. Simply run the following command:

mvn -P [dev/test/prod] tomcat:deploy -Dneo4j.password=[neo4j-password]

or if you already deployed QStore4S before:

mvn -P [dev/test/prod] tomcat:redeploy -Dneo4j.password=[neo4j-password]

Choose a profile (dev, test, or prod -- by default dev and prod deploy QStore4S at /qstore4s, and test deploys it to /qstore-test), and specify the password for your Neo4j instance.

This is the simplest way to deploy QStore4S. It assumes that your Neo4j user is called "neo4j" and that Tomcat is running on the same computer from which you are calling Maven. Additionally, you can specify the following properties when calling Maven:

Build and Deploy Manually

If you don't want to or can't use Maven to build and deploy QStore4S, you can also do it manually.

WAR-file Configuration

There is one file that need to be configured. The file is:

If you've downloaded the latest war-file from Sourceforge, decompress the war-file and find the following file in the decompressed folder. Change the following property in the file.


Now, build a war file out of your decompressed QStore4S folder (in which you made the changes).


Finally, deploy the newly generated war-file in your Tomcat and restart Tomcat. Please make sure that before you deploy QStore4S to your Tomcat server that your Neo4j server is running, otherwise Tomcat will throw exceptions.