Overview ======== Tethne is a Python software package for parsing and analyzing bibliographic metadata. The overarching goal of the project is to make it easier for scholars to build metadata-based network models, such as co-author and co-citation graphs. You can use Tethne to parse bibliographic metadata from the ISI Web of Science, JSTOR Data-for-Research, and even your Zotero collections (support for Scopus is planned, stay tuned!), and use those metadata to generate graphs for analysis and visualization. Who uses Tethne? ---------------- Tethne was developed with tech-savvy scholars in the humanities and social sciences in mind, especially those interested in scientific change. Python ------ This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the Python programming language. Python is a high-level programming language that has gained widespread adoption in the world of scientific computing. It's easy to learn, and has accrued a rich ecosystem of high-performance scientific and numerical libraries. Environments like `Jupyter/IPython `_ have made Python extremely accessible for those with little or no background in programming. For a gentle introduction to Python, check out `learnpython.org `_. Tethne is developed in Python 2.7. Python 3 is a distinct language from Python 2.7, and many packages have not yet made the leap to this new platform. A Python 3-compatible version is in the works, however, so stay tuned! How to cite ----------- Peirson, B. R. Erick., et al. (2016). Tethne v0.7. http://diging.github.io/tethne/ For a complete list of contributors, see :ref:`contributors`. License ------- Tethne is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tethne is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the `GNU General Public License `_ for more details. .. image:: http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-127x51.png .. _contributors: Contributors ------------ Tethne is developed by the `Digital Innovation Group `_ at Arizona State University. Countless people have contributed to this project over the years, so the list below is undoubtedly incomplete. Project lead: `Erick Peirson `_. DigInG developers: - Aaron Baker - Ramki Subramanian - Abhishek Singh - Yogananda Yalugoti External contributors: - `@guilhermeleobas `_. .. _contribute: How to contribute ----------------- 1. `Fork `_ the `Tethne GitHub repository `_. 2. Check out the ``develop`` branch: .. code-block:: bash $ git checkout develop 3. Create a new branch for your contribution, e.g. ``git checkout -b issue45`` 4. Make your changes. Be sure to include a docstring for each function and class! 5. Write tests. We aim for 95% test coverage. Put your tests in ``tests``, where they belong. 6. Ensure that all of your tests are passing. We use `nose `_. Test with: .. code-block:: bash $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=tethne --cover-min-percentage=95 7. Check for code cleanliness! Code should conform to `PEP 0008 `. We use `Pylint `_. For example: .. code-block:: bash $ pylint tethne/mycontribution.py 8. Create a `pull request `_. Be sure to select ``diging/develop`` as the base branch.