
Source code for tethne.classes.corpus

A :class:`.Corpus` is a container for :class:`.Paper`\s.

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from itertools import chain
import hashlib
import copy
from math import log

from tethne.classes.feature import FeatureSet, Feature, \
                                   StructuredFeatureSet, StructuredFeature
from tethne.utilities import _iterable, argsort

import sys
import os
PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PYTHON_3:
    unicode = str

def _tfidf(f, c, C, DC, N):
    tf = float(c)
    idf = log(float(N)/float(DC))
    return tf*idf

def _filter(s, C, DC):
    if C > 3 and DC > 1 and len(s) > 3:
        return True
    return False

[docs]class Corpus(object): """ A :class:`.Corpus` represents a collection of :class:`.Paper` instances. .. autosummary:: :toctree: :nosignatures: distribution feature_distribution features index index_by index_feature indexed_papers indices papers select slice subcorpus top_features :class:`.Corpus` objects are generated by the bibliographic readers in the :mod:`tethne.readers` module. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers.wos import read >>> read('/path/to/data') <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x10278ea10> You can also build a :class:`.Corpus` from a list of :class:`.Paper`\s. .. code-block:: python >>> papers = however_you_generate_papers() # <- list of Papers. >>> corpus = Corpus(papers) All of the :class:`.Paper`\s in the :class:`.Corpus` will be indexed. You can control which field is used for indexing by passing the ``index_by`` keyword argument to one of the ``read`` methods or to the :class:`.Corpus` constructor. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers, index_by='doi') >>> corpus.indexed_papers.keys() ['doi/123', 'doi/456', ..., 'doi/789'] The WoS ``read`` method uses the ``wosid`` field by default, and the DfR ``read`` method uses ``doi``. The Zotero ``read`` method tries to use whatever it can find. If the selected ``index_by`` field is not set or not available, a unique key will be generated using the title and author names. By default, :class:`.Corpus` will also index the ``authors`` and ``citations`` fields. To control which fields are indexed, pass the ``index_fields`` argument, or call :meth:`.Corpus.index` directly. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers, index_fields=['authors', 'date']) >>> corpus.indices.keys() ['authors', 'date'] Similarly, :class:`.Corpus` will index features. By default, ``authors`` and ``citations`` will be indexed as features (i.e. available for network-building methods). To control which fields are indexed as features, pass the ``index_features`` argument, or call :meth:`.Corpus.index_features`\. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers, index_features=['unigrams']) >>> corpus.features.keys() ['unigrams'] There are a variety of ways to select :class:`.Paper`\s from the corpus. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers) >>> corpus[0] # Integer indices yield a single Paper. <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10> >>> corpus[range(0,5)] # A list of indices will yield a list of Papers. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus[('date', 1995)] # You can select based on indexed fields. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus['citations', ('DOLE RJ 1952 CELL')] # All papers with this citation! [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus[('date', range(1993, 1995))] # Multiple values are supported, too. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] If you prefer to retrieve a :class:`.Corpus` rather than simply a list of :class:`.Paper` instances (e.g. to build networks), use :meth:`.Corpus.subcorpus`\. ``subcorpus`` accepts selector arguments just like :meth:`.Corpus.__getitem__`\. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers) >>> subcorpus = corpus.subcorpus(('date', 1995)) >>> subcorpus <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x10278ea10> """ @property def papers(self): """ A list of all :class:`.Paper`\s in the :class:`.Corpus`\. """ return list(self.indexed_papers.values()) index_by = None """ Specifies the field in :class:`.Paper`\s that should be used as the primary indexing field for a :class:`.Corpus` instance. """ index_class = dict index_kwargs = {} indexed_papers = {} """ The primary index for :class:`.Paper`\s in a :class:`.Corpus` instance. Keys are based on :attr:`.index_by`\, and values are :class:`.Paper` instances. """ features = {} """ Contains :class:`.FeatureSet`\s for a :class:`.Corpus` instance. New :class:`.FeatureSet`\s can be created from attributes of :class:`.Paper` using :meth:`.index_feature`\. """ indices = {} """ Contains field indices for the :class:`Paper`\s in a :class:`.Corpus` instance. The ``'citations'`` index, for example, allows us to look up all of the Papers that contain a particular bibliographic reference: .. code-block:: python >>> for citation, papers in corpus.indices['citations'].items()[7:10]: ... print 'The following Papers cite {0} \\n\\n\\t{1} \\n'.format(citation, '\\n\\t'.join(papers)) The following Papers cite WHITFIELD J 2006 NATURE: WOS:000252758800011 WOS:000253464000004 The following Papers cite WANG T 2006 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL: WOS:000282225000019 WOS:000281546800001 WOS:000251903200006 WOS:000292901400010 WOS:000288656800015 WOS:000318353300001 WOS:000296710600017 WOS:000255552100006 WOS:000272153800012 The following Papers cite LINKOSALO T 2009 AGR FOREST METEOROL: WOS:000298398700003 Notice that the values above are not Papers themselves, but identifiers. These are the same identifiers used in the primary index, so we can use them to look up :class:`Paper`\s: >>> papers = corpus.indices['citations']['CARLSON SM 2004 EVOL ECOL RES'] # Who cited Carlson 2004? >>> print papers >>> for paper in papers: ... print corpus.indexed_papers[paper] ['WOS:000311994600006', 'WOS:000304903100014', 'WOS:000248812000005'] <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x112d1fe10> <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x1121e8310> <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x1144ad390> You can create new indices using :meth:`.index`. """ def __init__(self, papers=[], index_by=None, index_fields=['authors', 'citations', 'ayjid', 'date'], index_features=['authors', 'citations'], **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- paper : list index_by : str index_fields : str or iterable of strs kwargs : kwargs """ self.index_by = index_by self.slices = [] self.indices = {} self.features = {} self.duplicate_papers = {} self.indices = defaultdict(dict) self.indices_lookup = defaultdict(dict) if index_by not in index_fields: index_fields.append(index_by) self.index_fields = index_fields self.index_features = index_features if self.index_class is dict: self.indexed_papers = {} else: self.indexed_papers = self.index_class(**self.index_kwargs) for field in self.index_features: if field not in self.features: self._init_featureset(field) for paper in papers: self._index_paper(paper)
[docs] def add_papers(self, papers): for paper in papers: self._index_paper(paper)
def __len__(self): return len(self.indexed_papers) def _index_paper(self, paper): key = self._generate_index(paper) # if key not in self.indexed_papers.keys(): self.indexed_papers[key] = paper for field in self.index_fields: if field: self.index_paper_by_attr(paper, field) for field in self.index_features: if field: self.index_paper_by_feature(paper, field) # else: # if not self.duplicate_papers: # self.duplicate_papers = {key:2} # else: # if key not in self.duplicate_papers.keys(): # count = 1 # else: # count = self.duplicate_papers[key] # self.duplicate_papers.update({self._generate_index(paper): count+1}) def _generate_index(self, paper): """ If the ``index_by`` field is not set or not available, generate a unique identifier using the :class:`.Paper`\'s title and author names. """ if self.index_by is None or not hasattr(paper, self.index_by): if not hasattr(paper, 'hashIndex'): # Generate a new index for this paper. m = hashlib.md5() # If we dont have author name then we just use the title of the paper # to generate unique identifier. if paper.authors is None: hashable = paper.title else: if hasattr(paper, 'title'): title = paper.title else: title = '' if len(paper.authors) == 0: hashable = title else: authors = list(zip(*paper.authors))[0] hashable = u' '.join(list([title] + [l + f for l, f in authors])) m.update(hashable.encode('utf-8')) setattr(paper, 'hashIndex', m.hexdigest()) return getattr(paper, 'hashIndex') identifier = getattr(paper, self.index_by) if type(identifier) is list: identifier = identifier[0] if self.index_by == 'link': _, identifier = os.path.split(identifier) return identifier # Identifier is already available. def _init_featureset(self, feature_name, structured=False): if structured: fsclass = StructuredFeatureSet else: fsclass = FeatureSet self.features[feature_name] = fsclass()
[docs] def index_paper_by_feature(self, paper, feature_name, tokenize=lambda x: x, structured=False): if not feature_name: return if structured: fclass = StructuredFeature else: fclass = Feature if hasattr(paper, feature_name): i = self._generate_index(paper) feature = fclass(tokenize(copy.deepcopy(getattr(paper, feature_name)))) self.features[feature_name].add(i, feature)
[docs] def index_feature(self, feature_name, tokenize=lambda x: x, structured=False): """ Creates a new :class:`.FeatureSet` from the attribute ``feature_name`` in each :class:`.Paper`\. New :class:`.FeatureSet`\s are added to :attr:`.features`\. Parameters ---------- feature_name : str The name of a :class:`.Paper` attribute. """ self._init_featureset(feature_name, structured=structured) for paper in self.papers: self.index_paper_by_feature(paper, feature_name, tokenize, structured)
[docs] def index_paper_by_attr(self, paper, attr): i = self._generate_index(paper) if not attr: return if hasattr(paper, attr): value = copy.deepcopy(getattr(paper, attr)) for v in _iterable(value): if type(value) is Feature: v_ = v[:-1] else: v_ = v if hasattr(v_, '__iter__'): if len(v_) == 1: t = type(v_[0]) v_ = t(v_[0]) if v_ not in self.indices[attr]: self.indices[attr][v_] = [] self.indices[attr][v_].append(i) # For more efficient lookup later. if attr not in self.indices_lookup[i]: self.indices_lookup[i][attr] = [] self.indices_lookup[i][attr].append(v_)
[docs] def index(self, attr): """ Indexes the :class:`.Paper`\s in this :class:`.Corpus` instance by the attribute ``attr``. New indices are added to :attr:`.indices`\. Parameters ---------- attr : str The name of a :class:`.Paper` attribute. """ for i, paper in self.indexed_papers.iteritems(): self.index_paper_by_attr(paper, attr)
def __getitem__(self, selector): return def __getattr__(self, key): if hasattr(self, key): return getattr(self, key) elif key in self.indices: return self.indices[key] raise AttributeError("Corpus has no such attribute")
[docs] def select(self, selector, index_only=False): """ Retrieves a subset of :class:`.Paper`\s based on selection criteria. There are a variety of ways to select :class:`.Paper`\s. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers) >>> corpus[0] # Integer indices yield a single Paper. <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10> >>> corpus[range(0,5)] # A list of indices yields a list of Papers. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus[('date', 1995)] # Select based on indexed fields. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus['citations', ('DOLE RJ 1952 CELL')] # Citing papers! [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] >>> corpus[('date', range(1993, 1995))] # Multiple values are OK. [<tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x103037c10>, <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10301c890>, ... <tethne.classes.paper.Paper object at 0x10302f5d0>] If you prefer to retrieve a :class:`.Corpus` rather than simply a list of :class:`.Paper` instances (e.g. to build networks), use :meth:`.Corpus.subcorpus`\. Parameters ---------- selector : object See method description. Returns ------- list A list of :class:`.Paper`\s. """ papers = [] if type(selector) is tuple: # Select papers by index. index, value = selector if type(value) is list: # Set of index values. papers = [p for v in value for p in, v), index_only=index_only)] else: if value in self.indices[index]: if index_only: papers = self.indices[index][value] else: papers = [self.indexed_papers[p] for p # Single index value. in self.indices[index][value]] else: papers = [] elif type(selector) is list: if selector[0] in self.indexed_papers: # Selector is a list of primary indices. if index_only: papers = selector else: papers = [self.indexed_papers[s] for s in selector] elif type(selector[0]) is int: if index_only: papers = [self.indexed_papers.keys()[i] for i in selector] else: papers = [self.papers[i] for i in selector] elif type(selector) is int: if index_only: papers = self.indexed_papers.keys()[selector] else: papers = self.papers[selector] elif type(selector) in [str, unicode]: if selector in self.indexed_papers: if index_only: papers = selector else: papers = self.indexed_papers[selector] return papers
[docs] def slice(self, window_size=1, step_size=1, cumulative=False, count_only=False, subcorpus=True, feature_name=None): """ Returns a generator that yields ``(key, subcorpus)`` tuples for sequential time windows. Two common slicing patterns are the "sliding time-window" and the "time-period" patterns. Whereas time-period slicing divides the corpus into subcorpora by sequential non-overlapping time periods, subcorpora generated by time-window slicing can overlap. .. figure:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/timeline.timeslice.png :width: 400 :align: center **Time-period** slicing, with a window-size of 4 years. .. figure:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/timeline.timewindow.png :width: 400 :align: center **Time-window** slicing, with a window-size of 4 years and a step-size of 1 year. *Sliding time-window* -- Set ``step_size=1``, and ``window_size`` to the desired value. *Time-period* -- ``step_size`` and ``window_size`` should have the same value. The value of ``key`` is always the first year in the slice. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers.wos import read >>> corpus = read('/path/to/data') >>> for key, subcorpus in corpus.slice(): ... print key, len(subcorpus) 2005, 5 2006, 5 Parameters ---------- window_size : int (default: 1) Size of the time window, in years. step_size : int (default: 1) Number of years to advance window at each step. Returns ------- generator """ if 'date' not in self.indices: self.index('date') start = min(self.indices['date'].keys()) end = max(self.indices['date'].keys()) while start <= end - (window_size - 1): selector = ('date', range(start, start + window_size, 1)) if cumulative: year = start + window_size else: year = start if count_only: yield year, len( elif feature_name: yield year, self.subfeatures(selector, feature_name) elif subcorpus: yield year, self.subcorpus(selector) else: yield year, if cumulative: window_size += step_size else: start += step_size
[docs] def distribution(self, **slice_kwargs): """ Calculates the number of papers in each slice, as defined by ``slice_kwargs``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> corpus.distribution(step_size=1, window_size=1) [5, 5] Parameters ---------- slice_kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`.Corpus.slice`\. Returns ------- list """ values = [] keys = [] for key, size in self.slice(count_only=True, **slice_kwargs): values.append(size) keys.append(key) return keys, values
[docs] def feature_distribution(self, featureset_name, feature, mode='counts', **slice_kwargs): """ Calculates the distribution of a feature across slices of the corpus. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> corpus.feature_distribution(featureset_name='citations', \ ... feature='DOLE RJ 1965 CELL', \ ... step_size=1, window_size=1) [2, 15, 25, 1] Parameters ---------- featureset_name : str Name of a :class:`.FeatureSet` in the :class:`.Corpus`\. feature : str Name of the specific feature of interest. E.g. if ``featureset_name='citations'``, then ``feature`` could be something like ``'DOLE RJ 1965 CELL'``. mode : str (default: ``'counts'``) If set to ``'counts'``, values will be the sum of all count values for the feature in each slice. If set to ``'documentCounts'``, values will be the number of papers in which the feature occurs in each slice. slice_kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`.Corpus.slice`\. Returns ------- list """ values = [] keys = [] fset = self.features[featureset_name] for key, papers in self.slice(subcorpus=False, **slice_kwargs): allfeatures = [v for v in chain(*[fset.features[self._generate_index(p)] for p in papers if self._generate_index(p) in fset.features])] if len(allfeatures) < 1: keys.append(key) values.append(0.) continue count = 0. for elem, v in allfeatures: if elem != feature: continue if mode == 'counts': count += v else: count += 1. values.append(count) keys.append(key) return keys, values
[docs] def top_features(self, featureset_name, topn=20, by='counts', perslice=False, slice_kwargs={}): """ Retrieves the top ``topn`` most numerous features in the corpus. Parameters ---------- featureset_name : str Name of a :class:`.FeatureSet` in the :class:`.Corpus`\. topn : int (default: ``20``) Number of features to return. by : str (default: ``'counts'``) If ``'counts'``, uses the sum of feature count values to rank features. If ``'documentCounts'``, uses the number of papers in which features occur. perslice : bool (default: False) If True, retrieves the top ``topn`` features in each slice. slice_kwargs : kwargs If ``perslice=True``, these keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`.Corpus.slice`\. """ if perslice: return [(k, subcorpus.features[featureset_name].top(topn, by=by)) for k, subcorpus in self.slice(**slice_kwargs)] return self.features[featureset_name].top(topn, by=by)
[docs] def subfeatures(self, selector, featureset_name): indices =, index_only=True) fclass = self.features[featureset_name].__class__ return fclass({k:f for k,f in self.features[featureset_name].iteritems() if k in indices})
[docs] def subcorpus(self, selector): """ Generates a new :class:`.Corpus` using the criteria in ``selector``. Accepts selector arguments just like :meth:``\. .. code-block:: python >>> corpus = Corpus(papers) >>> subcorpus = corpus.subcorpus(('date', 1995)) >>> subcorpus <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x10278ea10> """ subcorpus = self.__class__(self[selector], index_by=self.index_by, index_fields=self.indices.keys(), index_features=self.features.keys()) return subcorpus