
Source code for tethne.readers.zotero

import os
import iso8601
import logging
import rdflib
import nltk
import codecs
import magic    # To detect file mime-type.
import slate    # PDF processing.
import chardet  # Detect character encodings.

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning)

from math import log

from datetime import datetime

from tethne import Paper, Corpus, StructuredFeature, StructuredFeatureSet
from tethne.readers.base import RDFParser
from tethne.utilities import _strip_punctuation, mean

import sys
PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PYTHON_3:
    unicode = str

# RDF terms.
RDF = u''
DC = u''
FOAF = u''
PRISM = u''
RSS = u''

URI_ELEM = rdflib.URIRef("")
TYPE_ELEM = rdflib.term.URIRef(RDF + u'type')
VALUE_ELEM = rdflib.URIRef(RDF + u'value')
LINK_ELEM = rdflib.URIRef(RSS + u"link")
FORENAME_ELEM = rdflib.URIRef(FOAF + u'givenname')
SURNAME_ELEM = rdflib.URIRef(FOAF + u'surname')
VOL = rdflib.term.URIRef(PRISM + u'volume')
IDENT = rdflib.URIRef(DC + u"identifier")
TITLE = rdflib.term.URIRef(DC + u'title')

# Build a cost dictionary, assuming Zipf's law and cost = -math.log(probability).
from tethne.readers._rankedwords import WORDS
WORDCOST = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(WORDS)))) for i, k in enumerate(WORDS))
MAXWORD = max(len(x) for x in WORDS)

def _infer_spaces(s):
    Uses dynamic programming to infer the location of spaces in a string
    without spaces.
    s = s.lower()

    # Find the best match for the i first characters, assuming cost has
    # been built for the i-1 first characters.
    # Returns a pair (match_cost, match_length).
    def best_match(i):
        candidates = enumerate(reversed(cost[max(0, i - MAXWORD):i]))
        return min((c + WORDCOST.get(s[i-k-1: i], 9e999), k + 1)
                    for k, c in candidates)

    # Build the cost array.
    cost = [0]
    for i in range(1, len(s) + 1):
        c, k = best_match(i)

    # Backtrack to recover the minimal-cost string.
    out = []
    i = len(s)
    while i > 0:
        c, k = best_match(i)
        assert c == cost[i]
        i -= k

    return u" ".join(reversed(out))

[docs]def extract_text(fpath): """ Extracts structured text content from a plain-text file at ``fpath``. Parameters ---------- fpath : str Path to the text file.. Returns ------- :class:`.StructuredFeature` A :class:`.StructuredFeature` that contains sentence context. """ with, 'r') as f: # Determine the encoding of the file. document = encoding = chardet.detect(document)['encoding'] document = document.decode(encoding) tokens = [] sentences = [] i = 0 for sentence in nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(document): sentences.append(i) for word in nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(sentence): tokens.append(word) i += 1 contexts = [('sentence', sentences)] return StructuredFeature(tokens, contexts)
[docs]def extract_pdf(fpath): """ Extracts structured text content from a PDF at ``fpath``. Parameters ---------- fpath : str Path to the PDF. Returns ------- :class:`.StructuredFeature` A :class:`.StructuredFeature` that contains page and sentence contexts. """ with, 'r') as f: # Determine the encoding of the file. document = slate.PDF(f) encoding = chardet.detect(document[0]) tokens = [] pages = [] sentences = [] tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.TextTilingTokenizer() i = 0 for page in document: pages.append(i) # Decode using the correct encoding. page = page.decode(encoding['encoding']) for sentence in nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(page): sentences.append(i) for word in nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(sentence): if len(word) > 15: words = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(_infer_spaces(word)) if mean([len(w) for w in words]) > 2: for w in words: tokens.append(w) i += 1 continue tokens.append(word) i += 1 contexts = [('page', pages), ('sentence', sentences)] return StructuredFeature(tokens, contexts)
[docs]class ZoteroParser(RDFParser): """ Reads Zotero RDF files. """ entry_class = Paper entry_elements = ['bib:Illustration', 'bib:Recording', 'bib:Legislation', 'bib:Document', 'bib:BookSection', 'bib:Book', 'bib:Data', 'bib:Letter', 'bib:Report', 'bib:Article', 'bib:Manuscript', 'bib:Image', 'bib:ConferenceProceedings', 'bib:Thesis'] tags = { 'isPartOf': 'journal' } meta_elements = [ ('date', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('identifier', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('abstract', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('authors_full', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('link', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('title', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('isPartOf', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('pages', rdflib.URIRef("")), ('documentType', rdflib.URIRef(""))] def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): if os.path.isdir(path): # Preserve the old behavior. name = os.path.split(path)[1] path = os.path.join(path, '{0}.rdf'.format(name)) super(ZoteroParser, self).__init__(path, **kwargs) self.full_text = {} # Collect StructuredFeatures until finished. self.follow_links = kwargs.get('follow_links', False) # Boolean switch to follow links associated with a paper
[docs] def open(self): """ Fixes RDF validation issues. Zotero incorrectly uses ``rdf:resource`` as a child element for Attribute; ``rdf:resource`` should instead be used as an attribute of ``link:link``. """ with open(self.path, 'r') as f: corrected ='rdf:resource rdf:resource', 'link:link rdf:resource') with open(self.path, 'w') as f: f.write(corrected) super(ZoteroParser, self).open()
[docs] def handle_identifier(self, value): """ """ identifier = unicode(self.graph.value(subject=value, predicate=VALUE_ELEM)) ident_type = self.graph.value(subject=value, predicate=TYPE_ELEM) if ident_type == URI_ELEM: self.set_value('uri', identifier)
[docs] def handle_date(self, value): """ Attempt to coerced date to ISO8601. """ try: return iso8601.parse_date(unicode(value)).year except iso8601.ParseError: for datefmt in ("%B %d, %Y", "%Y-%m", "%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%Y"): try: # TODO: remove str coercion. return datetime.strptime(unicode(value), datefmt).date().year except ValueError: pass
[docs] def handle_documentType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value Returns ------- value.toPython() Basically, RDF literals are casted to their corresponding Python data types. """ return value.toPython()
[docs] def handle_authors_full(self, value): authors = [self.handle_author(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((value, None, None))] return [a for a in authors if a is not None]
[docs] def handle_abstract(self, value): """ Abstract handler. Parameters ---------- value Returns ------- abstract.toPython() Basically, RDF literals are casted to their corresponding Python data types. """ return value.toPython()
[docs] def handle_title(self, value): """ Title handler Parameters ---------- value Returns ------- title.toPython() """ return value.toPython()
[docs] def handle_author(self, value): forename_iter = self.graph.triples((value, FORENAME_ELEM, None)) surname_iter = self.graph.triples((value, SURNAME_ELEM, None)) norm = lambda s: unicode(s).upper().replace('.', '') # TODO: DRY this out. try: forename = norm([e[2] for e in forename_iter][0]) except IndexError: forename = '' try: surname = norm([e[2] for e in surname_iter][0]) except IndexError: surname = '' if surname == '' and forename == '': return return surname, forename
[docs] def handle_isPartOf(self, value): journal = None for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((value, None, None)): if p == VOL: # Volume number self.set_value('volume', unicode(o)) elif p == TITLE: journal = unicode(o) # Journal title. return journal
[docs] def handle_pages(self, value): return tuple(value.split('-'))
[docs] def postprocess_pages(self, entry): if len(entry.pages) < 2: start, end = entry.pages, None else: try: start, end = entry.pages except ValueError: start, end = entry.pages, None setattr(entry, 'pageStart', start) setattr(entry, 'pageEnd', end) del entry.pages
[docs]def read(path, corpus=True, index_by='uri', follow_links=False, **kwargs): """ Read bibliographic data from Zotero RDF. Examples -------- Assuming that the Zotero collection was exported to the directory ``/my/working/dir`` with the name ``myCollection``, a subdirectory should have been created at ``/my/working/dir/myCollection``, and an RDF file should exist at ``/my/working/dir/myCollection/myCollection.rdf``. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers.zotero import read >>> myCorpus = read('/my/working/dir/myCollection') >>> myCorpus <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x10047e350> Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the output directory created by Zotero. Expected to contain a file called ``[directory_name].rdf``. corpus : bool (default: True) If True, returns a :class:`.Corpus`\. Otherwise, returns a list of :class:`.Paper`\s. index_by : str (default: ``'identifier'``) :class:`.Paper` attribute name to use as the primary indexing field. If the field is missing on a :class:`.Paper`\, a unique identifier will be generated based on the title and author names. follow_links : bool If ``True``, attempts to load full-text content from attached files (e.g. PDFs with embedded text). Default: False. kwargs : kwargs Passed to the :class:`.Corpus` constructor. Returns ------- corpus : :class:`.Corpus` """ # TODO: is there a case where `from_dir` would make sense? parser = ZoteroParser(path, index_by=index_by, follow_links=follow_links) papers = parser.parse() if corpus: c = Corpus(papers, index_by=index_by, **kwargs) if c.duplicate_papers: warnings.warn("Duplicate papers detected. Use the 'duplicate_papers' attribute of the corpus to get the list", UserWarning) for fset_name, fset_values in parser.full_text.iteritems(): c.features[fset_name] = StructuredFeatureSet(fset_values) return c return papers