
Source code for tethne.tests.test_networks_helpers

import unittest
import networkx as nx

import sys

datapath = './tethne/tests/data/wos2.txt'

from tethne.networks import helpers
from tethne.readers.wos import read
from collections import Counter

[docs]class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_simplify_multigraph(self): """ PURPOSE :To Test the simplify_Multigraph functionality. DESCRIPTION : simplify_graph takes as input a multigraph i.e a graph having parallel edges in between 2 vertices/nodes and converts it to a simple graph i.e. with only one edge in between two nodes. And the weight of the new edge is equal to the number of edges that were collapsed. TESTED FOR : 1) Collapsed edges between vertices. 2) Weight of the new edges TEST DATA : any Multigraph. """ test_graph = nx.MultiGraph() test_graph.add_weighted_edges_from([(1,2,8.0), (1,2,100.0), (2,3,97.0),(1,2,98.0),(3,4,67.0)]) simplified_graph = helpers.simplify_multigraph(test_graph) self.assertIsInstance(simplified_graph, nx.Graph) self.assertEqual(simplified_graph.number_of_nodes(), 4) self.assertEqual(simplified_graph.number_of_edges(), 3) self.assertEqual(simplified_graph[1][2]['weight'], 3)
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()