
Source code for tethne.tests.test_readers_scopus

import sys

import unittest
import csv

from unidecode import unidecode

from tethne.readers import scopus
from tethne import Corpus, Paper, Feature, FeatureSet

scopus_datapath = './tethne/tests/data/scopus.csv'

[docs]class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): rawdata = [] with open(scopus_datapath, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: rawdata.append([ unidecode(r.decode('UTF-8')) for r in row ]) headers = rawdata[0] datum = rawdata[1] self.rawdatum = {headers[i]:datum[i] for i in xrange(len(headers))}
''' def test_reader(self): """ PURPOSE : To test the Scopus reader functionality. TESTED FOR : Return Type. Returns ------- List of Papers. """ papers = self.assertIsNotNone(papers) self.assertIsInstance(papers[0], Paper) def test_handle_Authors(self): """ PURPOSE : To test the Scopus-Reader handle_authors functionality TESTED FOR: The 2 lists returned for the Author's LAST NAME and INIT-name are not none. Returns ------- List of author's LAST and INIT name. """ paper = Paper() paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'] = scopus._handle_authors(self.rawdatum['Authors']) self.assertIsNotNone(paper['aulast']) self.assertIsNotNone(paper['auinit']) paper['aulast'] = filter(None, paper['aulast']) paper['auinit'] = filter(None, paper['auinit']) self.assertGreater(len(paper['aulast']), 0) self.assertGreater(len(paper['auinit']), 0) def test_handle_Affiliations(self): """ PURPOSE : To test the Scopus-Reader handle_affiliations functionality TESTED FOR: The list of institutions returned should not be none. Returns ------- """ paper = Paper() paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'] = scopus._handle_authors(self.rawdatum['Authors']) paper['institutions'] = scopus._handle_affiliations( self.rawdatum['Authors with affiliations'], paper['aulast'], paper['auinit']) self.assertIsNotNone(paper['institutions']) paper['institutions'] = filter(None, paper['institutions']) self.assertGreater(len(paper['institutions']), 0) ''' if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()