
Source code for tethne.tests.test_readers_zotero

import sys

import re

import unittest
from tethne.readers.zotero import read, ZoteroParser, _infer_spaces
from tethne import Corpus, Paper, StructuredFeatureSet

import sys
PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PYTHON_3:
    unicode = str

datapath = './tethne/tests/data/zotero/zotero.rdf'
datapath2 = './tethne/tests/data/zotero2/zotero2.rdf'
datapath3 = './tethne/tests/data/zotero_withfiles/zotero_withfiles.rdf'
duplicatePath = './tethne/tests/data/Duplicate'

[docs]class TestInferSpaces(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_infer(self): s = "Thisisastringwithnospaces." self.assertEqual(_infer_spaces(s), 'this is a string with no spaces .')
[docs]class TestZoteroParserWithFiles(unittest.TestCase): """ When Tethne reads a Zotero collection, it should attempt to extract full-text content for the constituent bibliographic records. """
[docs] def test_read_pdf(self): corpus = read(datapath3, follow_links=True) self.assertIsInstance(corpus, Corpus) self.assertIn('pdf_text', corpus.features, """ If a dataset has full-text content available in PDFs, then 'structuredfeatures' should contain an element called 'pdf_text'. """) self.assertIsInstance(corpus.features['pdf_text'], StructuredFeatureSet, """ 'pdf_text' should be an instance of StructuredFeatureSet. """) self.assertEqual(len(corpus.features['pdf_text']), 7, """ There should be seven (7) full-text pdf StructuredFeatures for this particular dataset. """)
[docs]class TestZoteroDuplicates(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_duplicate_Papers_length(self): """ Tests for user-warning raised in case of duplicate papers in a Corpus. Definition of duplicate papers is : Papers which have the same index_by field value. Example : Two papers in a Zotero collection, with the same URI, are duplicates Two papers from World of Science with the same WOSID are duplicates Returns ------- Fails when the attribute duplicate_papers(Dictionary) is not populated. duplicate_papers[''] = 2 This means there are 2 papers with the URI '' """ corpus = read(duplicatePath, corpus=True) # self.assertGreater(len(corpus.duplicate_papers), 0) # self.assertEqual(corpus.duplicate_papers[''], 2)
[docs]class TestZoteroParser(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_read(self): corpus = read(datapath, follow_links=True) self.assertIsInstance(corpus, Corpus)
[docs] def test_read_files(self): # TODO: attempt to read contents of files? corpus = read(datapath2, index_by='uri') self.assertIsInstance(corpus, Corpus)
[docs] def test_read_nocorpus(self): papers = read(datapath, corpus=False) self.assertIsInstance(papers, list) self.assertIsInstance(papers[0], Paper)
[docs] def test_authors(self): """ Tests for empty author names for each paper in a ZOTERO Corpus Returns ------- Fails : When the author-name is empty, it fails """ papers = read(datapath) for paper in papers: self.assertNotEqual(len(paper.authors), 0, "Author list cannot be empty")
[docs] def test_authors_full(self): """ Tests for empty author_full names for each paper in a ZOTERO Corpus Returns ------- Fails : When the author_full names is empty, it fails. """ papers = read(datapath) for paper in papers: self.assertNotEqual(len(paper.authors_full), 0, "Author_full list cannot be empty")
[docs] def test_handle_date(self): parser = ZoteroParser(datapath) parser.parse() date_list = ["January 23, 2015", "2015-9", "2015-9-23", "09/23/2015", "2015-09-23"] for each_date in date_list: self.assertEqual(2015, parser.handle_date(each_date), """ Date Not properly Formatted. """)
[docs] def test_parse(self): parser = ZoteroParser(datapath) parser.parse() # Check data types for the most common fields. derror = "{0} should be {1}, but is {2}" for e in if hasattr(e, 'date'): self.assertIsInstance(, int, derror.format('date', 'int', type( uppererr = "Author names should be uppercase" if hasattr(e, 'authors_full'): self.assertIsInstance(e.authors_full, list, derror.format('authors_full', 'list', type(e.authors_full))) for a in e.authors_full: self.assertTrue(a[0].isupper(), uppererr) self.assertTrue(a[1].isupper(), uppererr) if hasattr(e, 'authors_init'): self.assertIsInstance(e.authors_init, list, derror.format('authors_init', 'list', type(e.authors_init))) for a in e.authors_init: self.assertTrue(a[0].isupper(), uppererr) self.assertTrue(a[1].isupper(), uppererr) if hasattr(e, 'journal'): self.assertIsInstance(e.journal, unicode, derror.format('journal', 'unicode', type(e.journal))) if hasattr(e, 'abstract'): self.assertIsInstance(e.abstract, unicode, derror.format('abstract', 'unicode', type(e.abstract))) if hasattr(e, 'authorKeywords'): self.assertIsInstance(e.authorKeywords, list, derror.format('authorKeywords', 'list', type(e.authorKeywords))) if hasattr(e, 'keywordsPlus'): self.assertIsInstance(e.keywordsPlus, list, derror.format('keywordsPlus', 'list', type(e.keywordsPlus))) if hasattr(e, 'doi'): self.assertIsInstance(e.doi, unicode, derror.format('doi', 'unicode', type(e.doi))) if hasattr(e, 'volume'): self.assertIsInstance(e.volume, unicode, derror.format('volume', 'unicode', type(e.volume))) if hasattr(e, 'title'): self.assertIsInstance(e.title, unicode, derror.format('title', 'unicode', type(e.title))) # Check integrity of tag-to-field mapping. for tag, attr in parser.tags.iteritems(): self.assertFalse(hasattr(e, tag), ' '.join(['{0} should map to'.format(tag), '{0}, but does not.'.format(attr)])) # Check number of records. N = len( self.assertEqual(N, 12, 'Expected 12 entries, found {0}.'.format(N))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()