
Source code for tethne.utilities

Helper functions.
import string
import copy

import sys
PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PYTHON_3:
    unicode = str
    from html.parser import HTMLParser  # Python 3.x
    xrange = range
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser   # Python 2.x

[docs]def is_number(value): try: int(value) except ValueError: try: float(value) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs]def number(value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: try: return float(value) except ValueError: return value
def tokenize(s): return s.lower()
[docs]class MLStripper(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super(type(self), self).__init__() self.reset() self.fed = []
[docs] def handle_data(self, d): self.fed.append(d)
[docs] def feed(self, data): """ added this check as sometimes we are getting the data in integer format instead of string """ try: self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data except TypeError: data = unicode(data) self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data self.goahead(0)
[docs] def get_data(self): return u''.join(self.fed)
[docs]def strip_tags(html): s = MLStripper() s.feed(html) return s.get_data()
[docs]def argsort(seq): seq = list(seq) return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__)
[docs]def argmin(iterable): iterable = list(iterable) i_min = -1 v_min = max(iterable) for i, v in enumerate(iterable): if v < v_min: i_min = i v_min = v return i_min
[docs]def argmax(iterable): i_max = -1 v_max = min(iterable) for i, v in enumerate(iterable): if v > v_max: i_max = i v_max = v return i_max
[docs]def nonzero(iterable): return list([i for i, v in enumerate(iterable) if abs(v) > 0.0])
[docs]def mean(iterable): if len(iterable) > 0: return float(sum(iterable))/len(iterable) else: return float('nan')
def _iterable(o): if hasattr(o, '__iter__'): return o else: return [o] def _strip_punctuation(s): """ Removes all punctuation characters from a string. """ if type(s) is str and not PYTHON_3: # Bytestring (default in Python 2.x). return s.translate(string.maketrans("",""), string.punctuation) else: # Unicode string (default in Python 3.x). translate_table = dict((ord(char), u'') for char in u'!"#%\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~') return s.translate(translate_table) def _strip_numbers(s): """ Removes all numbers from a string. """ return u''.join([c for c in s if not is_number(c)])
[docs]def normalize(s): """ Normalize a token. * Convert to lower-case, * Remove all punctuation, * Remove all numbers. """ return _strip_numbers(_strip_punctuation(s.lower()))
[docs]def tokenize(passage): """ Convert a string into a list of normalized words. """ return [normalize(s) for s in passage.split(' ')]
def _space_sep(s): if len(s) > 3: return s return ' '.join(list(s))
[docs]def swap(u,v): """ exchange the values of u and v """ return copy.deepcopy(v),copy.deepcopy(u)
[docs]def contains(l, f): """ Searches list l for a pattern specified in a lambda function f. """ for x in l: if f(x): return True return False
[docs]def overlap(listA, listB): """ Return list of objects shared by listA, listB. """ if (listA is None) or (listB is None): return [] else: return list(set(listA) & set(listB))
[docs]def subdict(super_dict, keys): """ Returns a subset of the super_dict with the specified keys. """ sub_dict = {} valid_keys = super_dict.keys() for key in keys: if key in valid_keys: sub_dict[key] = super_dict[key] return sub_dict
[docs]def attribs_to_string(attrib_dict, keys): """ A more specific version of the subdict utility aimed at handling node and edge attribute dictionaries for NetworkX file formats such as gexf (which does not allow attributes to have a list type) by making them writable in those formats """ for key, value in attrib_dict.iteritems(): if (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, tuple)): attrib_dict[key] = value return attrib_dict
[docs]def concat_list(listA, listB, delim=' '): """ Concatenate list elements pair-wise with the delim character Returns the concatenated list Raises index error if lists are not parallel """ # Lists must be of equal length. if len(listA) != len(listB): raise IndexError('Input lists are not parallel.') # Concatenate lists. listC = [] for i in xrange(len(listA)): app = listA[i] + delim + listB[i] listC.append(app) return listC
[docs]def strip_non_ascii(s): """ Returns the string without non-ASCII characters. Parameters ---------- string : string A string that may contain non-ASCII characters. Returns ------- clean_string : string A string that does not contain non-ASCII characters. """ stripped = (c for c in s if 0 < ord(c) < 127) clean_string = u''.join(stripped) return clean_string
[docs]def strip_punctuation(s): exclude = set(string.punctuation) return u''.join(ch for ch in s if ch not in exclude)
[docs]def dict_from_node(node, recursive=False): """ Converts ElementTree node to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- node : ElementTree node recursive : boolean If recursive=False, the value of any field with children will be the number of children. Returns ------- dict : nested dictionary. Tags as keys and values as values. Sub-elements that occur multiple times in an element are contained in a list. """ dict = {} for snode in node: if len(snode) > 0: if recursive: # Will drill down until len(snode) <= 0. value = dict_from_node(snode, True) else: value = len(snode) elif snode.text is not None: value = snode.text else: value = u'' if snode.tag in dict.keys(): # If there are multiple subelements # with the same tag, then the value # of the element should be a list # rather than a dict. if type(dict[snode.tag]) is list: # If a list has already been # started, just append to # it. dict[snode.tag].append(value) else: dict[snode.tag] = [ dict[snode.tag], value ] else: dict[snode.tag] = value # Default behavior. return dict
[docs]class Dictionary: """ A two-way index for integer/string pairs. """ def __init__(self): self.by_str = {} self.by_int = {} def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(key) == str: self.by_str[key] = value self.by_int[value] = key if type(key) == int: self.by_int[key] = value self.by_str[value] = key def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) == str: return self.by_str[key] if type(key) == int: return self.by_int[key]