
Source code for tethne.writers.graph

Write NetworkX graphs to structured and unstructured network file formats.

.. autosummary::



import networkx as nx
from networkx.readwrite.graphml import GraphMLWriter
import csv
import warnings
from itertools import repeat

from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element, ElementTree, tostring

import sys
PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PYTHON_3:
    unicode = str

[docs]def write_csv(graph, prefix): """ Write ``graph`` as tables of nodes (``prefix-nodes.csv``) and edges (``prefix-edges.csv``). Parameters ---------- graph : :ref:`networkx.Graph <networkx:graph>` prefix : str """ node_headers = list(set([a for n, attrs in graph.nodes(data=True) for a in attrs.keys()])) edge_headers = list(set([a for s, t, attrs in graph.edges(data=True) for a in attrs.keys()])) value = lambda attrs, h: _recast_value(attrs[h]) if h in attrs else '' with open(prefix + '_nodes.csv', 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['node'] + node_headers) for n, attrs in graph.nodes(data=True): values = map(value, repeat(attrs, len(node_headers)), node_headers) writer.writerow([_recast_value(n)] + list(values)) with open(prefix + '_edges.csv', 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['source', 'target'] + edge_headers) for s, t, attrs in graph.edges(data=True): values = map(value, repeat(attrs, len(edge_headers)), edge_headers) writer.writerow([_recast_value(s), _recast_value(t)] + list(values))
[docs]def to_sif(graph, output_path): """ Generates Simple Interaction Format output file from provided graph. The SIF specification is described `here <>`_. :func:`.to_sif` will generate a .sif file describing the network, and a few .eda and .noa files containing edge and node attributes, respectively. These are equivalent to tab-delimited tables, and can be imported as such in Cytoscape 3.0. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph The Graph to be exported to SIF. output_path : str Full path, including filename (without suffix). e.g. using "./graphFolder/graphFile" will result in a SIF file at ./graphFolder/graphFile.sif, and corresponding .eda and .noa files. """ warnings.warn("Removed in 0.8. Use write_csv instead.", DeprecationWarning) graph = _strip_list_attributes(graph) if output_path[-4:] == ".sif": output_path = output_path[:-4] if nx.number_of_nodes(graph) == 0: # write an empty file (for a non-existant graph) f = open(output_path + ".sif","w") f.write("") f.close() else: # write node files nodes = graph.nodes(data=True) for node in nodes: node_name = node[0] node_attribs = node[1] for key, value in node_attribs.iteritems(): # generate a node attribute file for each node attribute if node == nodes[0]: # first node, overwrite file with open(output_path + "_" + key + ".noa", "w") as f: f.write(unicode(key) + '\n') f.write(unicode(node_name).replace(" ","_") + " = " + unicode(value) + "\n") else: # not first, append file with open(output_path + "_" + key + ".noa", "a") as f: f.write(unicode(node_name).replace(" ","_") + " = " + unicode(value) + "\n") if nx.number_of_edges(graph) == 0: # write an empty graph to a .sif file (just its nodes) for node in nodes: node_name = node[0] if node == nodes[0]: # first node, overwrite file with open(output_path + ".sif","w") as f: f.write(unicode(node_name).replace(" ","_") + "\n") else: # not first, append file with open(output_path + ".sif","a") as f: f.write(unicode(node_name).replace(" ","_") + "\n") else: # write the graph to a .sif file as well as other edge # attribute files if graph.is_multigraph(): # then the NetworkX graph supports multiple interaction # types just like the .sif format edges = graph.edges(data=True, keys=True) edge_attribs = set() for edge in edges: for key in edge[3].iterkeys(): edge_attribs.add(key) # create edge attribute files for attrib in edge_attribs: str_attrib = unicode(attrib) with open(output_path + '_' + str_attrib + ".eda","w") as f: f.write(unicode(attrib) + "\n") # add data to eda files and write sif file with open(output_path + '.sif', 'w') as f: for edge in edges: node1 = unicode(edge[0]).replace(" ", "_") node2 = unicode(edge[1]).replace(" ", "_") intr_type = unicode(edge[2]).replace(" ", "_") sif_line = node1 + ' ' + intr_type + ' ' + node2 + '\n' f.write(sif_line) for attrib, value in edge[3].iteritems(): eda_line = (node1 + ' (' + intr_type + ') ' + node2 + ' = ' + unicode(value) + '\n') with open(output_path + '_' + unicode(attrib) + '.eda', 'a') as g: g.write(eda_line) else: # then we support only one interaction type 'rel' edges = graph.edges(data=True) edge_attribs = set() for edge in edges: for key in edge[2].iterkeys(): edge_attribs.add(key) # create edge attribute files for attrib in edge_attribs: str_attrib = unicode(attrib) with open(output_path + '_' + str_attrib + ".eda","w") as f: f.write(unicode(attrib) + "\n") # add data to eda files and write sif file with open(output_path + '.sif', 'w') as f: for edge in edges: node1 = unicode(edge[0]).replace(" ", "_") node2 = unicode(edge[1]).replace(" ", "_") intr_type = 'rel' sif_line = node1 + ' ' + intr_type + ' ' + node2 + '\n' f.write(sif_line) for attrib, value in edge[2].iteritems(): eda_line = (node1 + ' (' + intr_type + ') ' + node2 + ' = ' + unicode(value) + '\n') with open(output_path + '_' + unicode(attrib) + '.eda', 'a') as g: g.write(eda_line)
[docs]def to_gexf(graph, output_path): """Writes graph to `GEXF <>`_. Uses the NetworkX method `write_gexf <>`_. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph The Graph to be exported to GEXF. output_path : str Full path, including filename (without suffix). e.g. using "./graphFolder/graphFile" will result in a GEXF file at ./graphFolder/graphFile.gexf. """ warnings.warn("Removed in 0.8.", DeprecationWarning) graph = _strip_list_attributes(graph) nx.write_gexf(graph, output_path + ".gexf")
[docs]def write_graphml(graph, path, encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True): """Writes graph to `GraphML <>`_. Uses the NetworkX method `write_graphml <>`_. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph The Graph to be exported to GraphML. output_path : str Full path, including filename (without suffix). e.g. using "./graphFolder/graphFile" will result in a GraphML file at ./graphFolder/graphFile.graphml. """ graph = _strip_list_attributes(graph) writer = TethneGraphMLWriter(encoding=encoding, prettyprint=prettyprint) writer.add_graph_element(graph) writer.dump(open(path, 'wb'))
[docs]def to_graphml(graph, path, encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True): warnings.warn("Removed in 0.8. Use write_graphml instead.", DeprecationWarning) write_graphml(graph, path, encoding=encoding, prettyprint=prettyprint)
[docs]class TethneGraphMLWriter(GraphMLWriter):
[docs] def get_key(self, name, attr_type, scope, default): # Modified to use attribute name as key, rather than numeric ID. keys_key = (name, attr_type, scope) try: return self.keys[keys_key] except KeyError: new_id = name self.keys[keys_key] = new_id key_kwargs = {"id": new_id, "for": scope, "": name, "attr.type": attr_type} key_element = Element("key", **key_kwargs) # add subelement for data default value if present if default is not None: default_element = Element("default") default_element.text = _recast_value(default) key_element.append(default_element) self.xml.insert(0, key_element) return new_id
[docs] def add_data(self, name, e_type, value, scope="all", default=None): if e_type not in self.xml_type: raise nx.NetworkXError('GraphML writer does not support ' '%s as data values.'%e_type) key_id = self.get_key(name, self.xml_type[e_type], scope, default) data_element = Element("data", key=key_id) data_element.text = _recast_value(value) return data_element
[docs] def add_nodes(self, G, graph_element): for node,data in G.nodes_iter(data=True): node_element = Element("node", id=_recast_value(node)) default = G.graph.get('node_default', {}) self.add_attributes("node", node_element, data, default) graph_element.append(node_element)
[docs] def add_edges(self, G, graph_element): if G.is_multigraph(): for u,v,key,data in G.edges_iter(data=True, keys=True): edge_element = Element("edge",source=_recast_value(u), target=_recast_value(v)) default = G.graph.get('edge_default',{}) self.add_attributes("edge", edge_element, data, default) self.add_attributes("edge", edge_element, {'key': key}, default) graph_element.append(edge_element) else: for u,v,data in G.edges_iter(data=True): edge_element = Element("edge", source=_recast_value(u), target=_recast_value(v)) default = G.graph.get('edge_default', {}) self.add_attributes("edge", edge_element, data, default) graph_element.append(edge_element)
[docs]def to_table(graph, path): warnings.warn("Removed in 0.8. Use write_csv instead.", DeprecationWarning) graph = _strip_list_attributes(graph) # Edge list. with open(path + "_edges.csv", "wb") as f: edges = graph.edges(data=True) writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') # Header. writer.writerow(['source','target'] + [ k for k in edges[0][2].keys()]) # Values. for e in edges: writer.writerow([ e[0], e[1]] + [ v for v in e[2].values() ] ) # Node attributes. with open(path + "_nodes.csv", "wb") as f: nodes = graph.nodes(data=True) writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') # Header. writer.writerow(['node'] + [ k for k in nodes[0][1].keys() ]) # Values. for n in nodes: writer.writerow([ n[0] ] + [ v for v in n[1].values() ])
def _strip_list_attributes(G): for n in G.nodes(data=True): for k,v in n[1].iteritems(): if type(v) is list: G.node[n[0]][k] = unicode(v) for e in G.edges(data=True): for k,v in e[2].iteritems(): if type(v) is list: G.edge[e[0]][e[1]][k] = unicode(v) return G def _recast_value(value): if type(value) in [str, int, unicode, float]: return unicode(value) if hasattr(value, '__iter__'): return ', '.join(list(value))