REST API ======== BlackGoat exposes the following endpoints. .. _authoritylist: ``/authority/`` --------------- ``GET`` ```````` Returns a list of known authority services. Sample Response ............... .. code-block:: javascript { "count": 2, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 6, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "builtin_identity_system": { "id": 2, "name": "builtin:VIAF" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:55:02.682300Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:55:12.030762Z", "name": "VIAF", "namespace": "", "description": "Virtual Internet Authority File" }, { "id": 7, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "builtin_identity_system": { "id": 3, "name": "builtin:Conceptpower" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:55:44.522994Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:55:50.012521Z", "name": "Conceptpower", "namespace": "", "description": "Conceptpower online authority service" } ] } ``POST`` ```````` Register a new authority service. .. list-table:: Accepted fields :widths: 10 5 10 35 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Required - Description * - ``name`` - String - Yes - A (brief) name of the authority service. May be used for display. * - ``namespace`` - String - Recommended - Highly recommended. If provided, will be used to match concepts that are registered without an explicit reference to an authority service. * - ``description`` - String - No - A longer-form description of the service. Used for display. * - ``configuration`` - String - Recommended - Must be a valid JSON document. This is necessary to take advantage of distributed search and validation functionality. Should return ``201`` with the same representation of the authority service as in :ref:`authoritydetail`. .. _authoritydetail: ``/authority/{id}/`` -------------------- ``GET`` ``````` Returns details about an authority service. This view includes the JSON configuration document for the service. Sample Response ............... .. code-block:: javascript { "id": 7, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "builtin_identity_system": { "id": 3, "name": "builtin:Conceptpower" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:55:44.522994Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:55:50.012521Z", "name": "Conceptpower", "namespace": "", "description": "Conceptpower online authority service", "configuration": "{\r\n \"name\": \"Conceptpower\", ... }" } .. _conceptlist: ``/concept/`` ------------- ``GET`` ``````` Returns a list of known concepts. The following parameters can be used to filter/sort the results. .. list-table:: Accepted parameters :widths: 10 5 10 35 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Required - Description * - ``name`` - String - No - Returns only concepts whose ``name`` contains (case-insensitive) the provided value. * - ``identifier`` - String - No - Returns only concepts whose ``identifier`` matches the passed value. This should (in theory) return only one result. * - ``concept_type`` - String - No - Returns only concepts of a specific type (by type ``identifier``). * - ``added_by`` - String - No - Returns only concepts added by a specific user (by ``username``). * - ``authority`` - Int - No - Return only concepts from a specific authority (by ID). * - ``o`` - String - No - Order by a specific field. Recognizes ``name``, ``-name``, ``concept_type``, and ``-concept_type``. * - ``page`` - Int - No - Page number (starting at 1). Sample Response ............... .. code-block:: javascript { "count": 19, "next": "", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 55, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "authority": { "id": 6, "name": "VIAF" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.502749Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.502820Z", "name": "", "identifier": "viaf:personal", "local_identifier": null, "description": null, "concept_type": null }, ... { "id": 64, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "authority": { "id": 6, "name": "VIAF" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.686089Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.686124Z", "name": "Bradshaw, Rita, 1950-", "identifier": "", "local_identifier": "66597118", "description": "Bradshaw, Rita, 1950-", "concept_type": 55 } ] } ``POST`` ```````` Register a new concept. .. list-table:: Accepted parameters :widths: 10 5 10 35 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Required - Description * - ``name`` - String - Yes - The primary human-readable representation of the concept. * - ``identifier`` - String - Yes - This should be a valid URI for the concept. * - ``local_identifier`` - String - Yes - An identifier used internally by the authority service to identify this concept. * - ``description`` - String - No - A longer-form description of the concept. Used for display. * - ``authority`` - Int - Yes - The ID of the authority service to which this concept belongs. Should return ``201`` with the same representation of the authority service as in :ref:`conceptdetail`. .. _conceptdetail: ``/concept/{id}/`` ------------------ ``GET`` ``````` Returns details about a concept. .. code-block:: javascript { "id": 56, "added_by": { "username": "erickpeirson", "email": "" }, "authority": { "id": 6, "name": "VIAF" }, "added": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.525892Z", "updated": "2016-11-15T20:56:30.525930Z", "name": "Bradshaw Isherwood, Christopher William, 1904-1986", "identifier": "", "local_identifier": "76317308", "description": "Bradshaw Isherwood, Christopher William, 1904-1986", "concept_type": 55 } .. _identical: ``/identical/`` --------------- Returns a list of concepts that share identity relations with a specific concept. Sample Response ................ ``/identical/?identifier=`` .. code-block:: javascript { "results":[ { "id":56, "added_by":{ "username":"erickpeirson", "email":"" }, "authority":{ "id":6, "name":"VIAF" }, "added":"2016-11-15T20:56:30.525892Z", "updated":"2016-11-15T20:56:30.525930Z", "name":"Bradshaw Isherwood, Christopher William, 1904-1986", "identifier":"", "local_identifier":"76317308", "description":"Bradshaw Isherwood, Christopher William, 1904-1986", "concept_type":55 }, { "id":69, "added_by":{ "username":"erickpeirson", "email":"" }, "authority":{ "id":7, "name":"Conceptpower" }, "added":"2016-11-15T20:56:30.989382Z", "updated":"2016-11-15T20:56:30.989422Z", "name":"Anthony D. Bradshaw", "identifier":"", "local_identifier":"", "description":null, "concept_type":null } ] }