
tethne.networks package


tethne.networks.authors module

Methods for generating networks in which authors are vertices.

author_papers A bi-partite graph containing Papers and their authors.
coauthors A graph describing joint authorship in corpus.
tethne.networks.authors.author_papers(corpus, min_weight=1, **kwargs)[source]

A bi-partite graph containing Papers and their authors.

tethne.networks.authors.coauthors(corpus, min_weight=1, edge_attrs=['ayjid', 'date'], **kwargs)[source]

A graph describing joint authorship in corpus.

tethne.networks.base module

tethne.networks.base.cooccurrence(corpus_or_featureset, featureset_name=None, min_weight=1, edge_attrs=['ayjid', 'date'], filter=None)[source]

A network of feature elements linked by their joint occurrence in papers.

tethne.networks.base.coupling(corpus_or_featureset, featureset_name=None, min_weight=1, filter=<function <lambda>>, node_attrs=[])[source]

A network of papers linked by their joint posession of features.

tethne.networks.base.multipartite(corpus, featureset_names, min_weight=1, filters={})[source]

A network of papers and one or more featuresets.

tethne.networks.features module

Methods for building networks from terms in bibliographic records. This includes keywords, abstract terms, etc.

mutual_information Generates a graph of features in featureset based on normalized pointwise mutual information (nPMI).
tethne.networks.features.feature_cooccurrence(corpus, featureset_name, min_weight=1, filter=<function <lambda>>)[source]
tethne.networks.features.keyword_cooccurrence(corpus, min_weight=1, filter=<function <lambda>>)[source]
tethne.networks.features.mutual_information(corpus, featureset_name, min_weight=0.9, filter=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Generates a graph of features in featureset based on normalized pointwise mutual information (nPMI).


...where p_i and p_j are the probabilities that features i and j will occur in a document (independently), and p_{ij} is the probability that those two features will occur in the same document.

tethne.networks.helpers module

Helper functions for generating networks.

citation_count Generates citation counts for all of the papers cited by papers.
simplify_multigraph Simplifies a graph by condensing multiple edges between the same node pair into a single edge, with a weight attribute equal to the number of edges.
top_cited Generates a list of the topn (or topn%) most cited papers.
top_parents Returns a list of Paper that cite the topn most cited papers.
tethne.networks.helpers.citation_count(papers, key='ayjid', verbose=False)[source]

Generates citation counts for all of the papers cited by papers.


papers : list

A list of Paper instances.

key : str

Property to use as node key. Default is ‘ayjid’ (recommended).

verbose : bool

If True, prints status messages.


counts : dict

Citation counts for all papers cited by papers.

tethne.networks.helpers.simplify_multigraph(multigraph, time=False)[source]

Simplifies a graph by condensing multiple edges between the same node pair into a single edge, with a weight attribute equal to the number of edges.


graph : networkx.MultiGraph

E.g. a coauthorship graph.

time : bool

If True, will generate ‘start’ and ‘end’ attributes for each edge, corresponding to the earliest and latest ‘date’ values for that edge.


graph : networkx.Graph

A NetworkX graph .

tethne.networks.helpers.top_cited(papers, topn=20, verbose=False)[source]

Generates a list of the topn (or topn%) most cited papers.


papers : list

A list of Paper instances.

topn : int or float {0.-1.}

Number (int) or percentage (float) of top-cited papers to return.

verbose : bool

If True, prints status messages.


top : list

A list of ‘ayjid’ keys for the topn most cited papers.

counts : dict

Citation counts for all papers cited by papers.

tethne.networks.helpers.top_parents(papers, topn=20, verbose=False)[source]

Returns a list of Paper that cite the topn most cited papers.


papers : list

A list of Paper objects.

topn : int or float {0.-1.}

Number (int) or percentage (float) of top-cited papers.

verbose : bool

If True, prints status messages.


papers : list

A list of Paper objects.

top : list

A list of ‘ayjid’ keys for the topn most cited papers.

counts : dict

Citation counts for all papers cited by papers.

tethne.networks.papers module

Methods for generating networks in which papers are vertices.

bibliographic_coupling Generate a bibliographic coupling network.
cocitation Generate a cocitation network.
direct_citation A directed paper-citation network.
tethne.networks.papers.author_coupling(corpus, min_weight=1, **kwargs)[source]
tethne.networks.papers.bibliographic_coupling(corpus, min_weight=1, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a bibliographic coupling network.

Two papers are bibliographically coupled when they both cite the same, third, paper.

tethne.networks.papers.cocitation(corpus, min_weight=1, edge_attrs=['ayjid', 'date'], **kwargs)[source]

Generate a cocitation network.

A cocitation network is a network in which vertices are papers, and edges indicate that two papers were cited by the same third paper. CiteSpace is a popular desktop application for co-citation analysis, and you can read about the theory behind it here.

tethne.networks.papers.direct_citation(corpus, min_weight=1, **kwargs)[source]

A directed paper-citation network.

Direct-citation graphs are `directed acyclic graphs`__ in which vertices are papers, and each (directed) edge represents a citation of the target paper by the source paper. The networks.papers.direct_citation() method generates both a global citation graph, which includes all cited and citing papers, and an internal citation graph that describes only citations among papers in the original dataset.

tethne.networks.topics module

Build networks from topics in a topic model.

The current implementation assumes that you are using a LDAModel.

tethne.networks.topics.cotopics(model, threshold=None, **kwargs)[source]

Two topics are coupled if they occur (above some threshold) in the same document (s).


model : LDAModel

threshold : float

Default: 2./model.Z

kwargs : kwargs

Passed on to cooccurrence().



tethne.networks.topics.distance(model, method='cosine', percentile=90, bidirectional=False, normalize=True, smooth=False, transform='log', **kwargs)[source]

Generate a network of Papers based on a distance metric from scipy.spatial.distance using sparse-feature-vectors over the dimensions in model.

The only two methods that will not work in this context are hamming and jaccard.

Distances are inverted to a similarity metric, which is log-transformed by default (see transform parameter, below). Edges are included if they are at or above the ``percentile``th percentile.


model : LDAModel or DTMModel

distance() uses model.item and model.metadata.

method : str

Name of a distance method from scipy.spatial.distance. See analyze.features.distance() for a list of distance statistics. hamming or jaccard will raise a RuntimeError. analyze.features.kl_divergence() is also available as ‘kl_divergence’.

percentile : int

(default: 90) Edges are included if they are at or above the percentile for all distances in the model.

bidirectional : bool

(default: False) If True, method is calculated twice for each pair of Papers ( (i,j) and (j,i) ), and the mean is used.

normalize : bool

(default: True) If True, vectors over topics are normalized so that they sum to 1.0 for each Paper.

smooth : bool

(default: False) If True, vectors over topics are smoothed according to Bigi 2003. This may be useful if vectors over topics are very sparse.

transform : str

(default: ‘log’) Transformation to apply to similarity values before building the graph. So far only ‘log’ and None are supported.



Similarity values are included as edge weights. Node attributes are set using the fields in model.metadata. See networkx.Graph.__init__()


>>> from tethne.networks import topics
>>> thegraph = topics.distance(myLDAModel, 'cosine')

>>> import tethne.writers as wr
>>> wr.to_graphml(thegraph, '~./thegraph.graphml')

Edge weight and opacity indicate similarity. Node color indicates the journal in which each Paper was published. In this graph, papers published in the same journal tend to cluster together.

tethne.networks.topics.terms(model, threshold=0.01, **kwargs)[source]

Two terms are coupled if the posterior probability for both terms is greather than threshold for the same topic.


model : LDAModel

threshold : float

Default: 0.01

kwargs : kwargs

Passed on to cooccurrence().



tethne.networks.topics.topic_coupling(model, threshold=None, **kwargs)[source]

Two papers are coupled if they both contain a shared topic above a threshold.


model : LDAModel

threshold : float

Default: 3./model.Z

kwargs : kwargs

Passed on to coupling().



Module contents

Methods for building networks from bibliographic data.

Each network relies on certain meta data in the Paper associated with each document. Often we wish to construct a network with nodes representing these documents and edges representing relationships between those documents, but this is not always the case.

Where it is the case, it is recommended but not required that nodes are represented by an identifier from {ayjid, wosid, pmid, doi}. Each has certain benefits. If the documents to be networked come from a single database source such as the Web of Science, wosid is most appropriate. If not, using doi will result in a more accurate, but also more sparse network; while ayjid will result in a less accurate, but more complete network.

Any type of meta data from the Paper may be used as an identifier, however.

We use “head” and “tail” nomenclature to refer to the members of a directed edge (x,y), x -> y, xy, etc. by calling x the “tail” and y the “head”.


authors Methods for generating networks in which authors are vertices.
features Methods for building networks from terms in bibliographic records.
papers Methods for generating networks in which papers are vertices.
topics Build networks from topics in a topic model.