
Source code for tethne.classes.paper

A :class:`.Paper` represents a document in a :class:`.Corpus`\. :class:`.Paper`
objects behave a lot like conventional Python dictionaries, except that they are
picky about the kind of data that you throw into them.

Most operations in Tethne don't require you to interact with :class:`.Paper`\s

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Paper(dict): """ Tethne's representation of a bibliographic record. The following fields (and corresponding data types) are permitted. =========== ===== ==================================================== Field Type Description =========== ===== ==================================================== aulast list Authors' last name, as a list. auinit list Authors' first initial as a list. institution dict Institutions with which the authors are affiliated. atitle str Article title. jtitle str Journal title or abbreviated title. volume str Journal volume number. issue str Journal issue number. spage str Starting page of article in journal. epage str Ending page of article in journal. date int Article date of publication. country dict Author-Country mapping. citations list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. ayjid str First author's name (last fi), pubdate, and journal. doi str Digital Object Identifier. pmid str PubMed ID. wosid str Web of Science UT fieldtag value. accession str Identifier for data conversion accession. =========== ===== ==================================================== None values are also allowed for all fields. """ def __init__(self): # Default values. fields = { 'aulast':None, 'auinit':None, 'institutions':None, 'atitle':None, 'jtitle':None, 'volume':None, 'issue':None, 'spage':None, 'epage':None, 'date':None, 'citations':None, 'country':None, 'ayjid':None, 'doi':None, 'pmid':None, # PubMed 'wosid':None, # ISI Web of Science 'eid':None, # Scopus 'abstract':None, 'accession':None, 'topics':None } for k,v in fields.iteritems(): dict.__setitem__(self, k, v) # Fields that require list values. self.list_fields = [ 'aulast', 'auinit', 'citations' ] # Fields that require string values. self.string_fields = [ 'atitle', 'jtitle', 'volume', 'issue', 'spage', 'epage', 'ayjid', 'doi', 'eid', 'pmid', 'wosid', 'abstract', 'accession' ] # Fields that require int values. self.int_fields = [ 'date' ] # Fields that require dict values. self.dict_fields = [ 'institutions' ] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Enforces limited vocabulary of keys and corresponding data types for values. """ vt = type(value) ks = str(key) if key not in self.keys(): raise KeyError(ks + " is not a valid key in Paper.") elif key in self.list_fields and vt is not list and value is not None: raise ValueError("Value for field '"+ ks +"' must be a list.") elif key in self.string_fields and vt is not str \ and vt is not unicode and value is not None: raise ValueError("Value for field '"+ ks +"' must be a string.") elif key in self.int_fields and vt is not int and value is not None: raise ValueError("Value for field '"+ ks +"' must be an integer.") elif key in self.dict_fields and vt is not dict and value is not None: raise ValueError("Value for field '"+ ks +"' must be a dictionary.") else: dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
[docs] def authors(self): """ Get the authors of the current :class:`.Paper` instance. Returns ------- authors : list Author names are in the format ``LAST F``. If there are no authors, returns an empty list. """ auths = [] if self['aulast'] is not None: auths = [ ' '.join([ a,l ]).upper() for a,l in zip (self['aulast'], self['auinit']) ] return auths