
Source code for tethne.model.corpus.ldamodel

Classes and methods related to the :class:`.LDAModel`\.

from ..basemodel import BaseModel
import numpy as np

import csv
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

[docs]class LDAModel(BaseModel): """ Represents a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model. In the LDA model, topics (dimensions) are probability distributions over words (features), and documents (items) are comprised of mixtures of topics. For a complete description of the model, see `Blei & Jordan (2003) <>`_. To generate a :class:`.LDAModel` from a :class:`.Corpus` using `MALLET <>`_, use the :class:`.MALLETModelManager`\. Additional managers for :class:`.LDAModel`\s will be added shortly. You can also initialize a :class:`.LDAModel` directly by providing the following parameters: * ``theta``, describes the proportion of topics (cols) in each document (rows). * ``phi`` describes the topic (rows) distributions over words (cols). * ``metadata`` should map matrix indices for documents onto :class:`.Paper` IDs (or whatever you use to identify documents). * ``vocabulary`` should map matrix indices for words onto word-strings. ``metadata`` and ``vocabulary`` mappings. Finally, you can use :func:`.from_mallet` to generate a :class:`.LDAModel` from MALLET output. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: list_topic list_topics print_topic print_topics Parameters ---------- theta : matrix-like Distribution of topics (cols) in documents (rows). Rows sum to 1. phi : matrix-like Distribution over words (cols) for topics (rows). Rows sum to 1. metadata : dict Maps matrix indices onto document datadata. vocabulary : dict Maps W indices onto words. """ def __init__(self, theta, phi, metadata, vocabulary): """ Initialize the :class:`.LDAModel`\. """ self.theta = theta self.M = theta.shape[0] # Number of documents. self.phi = phi self.Z = phi.shape[0] # Number of topics. self.W = phi.shape[1] # Number of terms. self.metadata = metadata self.vocabulary = vocabulary self.lookup = { v['id']:k for k,v in metadata.iteritems() } # Obligatory methods. def _item_description(self, i, **kwargs): """ Yields proportion of each topic in document. """ return [ (t, self.theta[i, t]) for t in xrange(self.theta.shape[1] ) ] def _item_relationship(self, i, j, **kwargs): """ Yields the relationship between two documents. """ # TODO: implement cosine-similarity or another similarity metric here. return None def _dimension_description(self, k, **kwargs): """ Yields probability distribution over terms. """ return [ (w, self.phi[k, w]) for w in xrange(self.phi.shape[1]) ] def _dimension_relationship(self, k, e, **kwargs): """ Simply returns (k,e); there is no additional information about dimensions. """ # TODO: imlement a similarity metric for topics. return None def _dimension_items(self, k, threshold, **kwargs): """ Returns items that contain ``k`` at or above ``threshold``. Parameters ---------- k : int Topic index. threshold : float Minimum representation of ``k`` in document. Returns ------- description : list A list of ( item, weight ) tuples. """ description = [ (self.metadata[i]['id'], self.theta[i, k]) for i in xrange(self.theta[:, k].size) if self.theta[i, k] >= threshold ] return description
[docs] def list_topic(self, k, Nwords=10): """ Yields a list of the top ``Nwords`` for topic ``k``. Parameters ---------- k : int A topic index. Nwords : int Number of words to return. Returns ------- as_list : list List of words in topic. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> model.list_topic(1, Nwords=5) [ 'opposed', 'terminates', 'trichinosis', 'cistus', 'acaule' ] """ words = self.dimension(k, top=Nwords) as_list = [ self.vocabulary[w] for w,p in words ] return as_list
[docs] def print_topic(self, k, Nwords=10): """ Yields the top ``Nwords`` for topic ``k`` as a string. Parameters ---------- k : int A topic index. Nwords : int Number of words to return. Returns ------- as_string : str Joined list of words in topic. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> model.print_topic(1, Nwords=5) 'opposed, terminates, trichinosis, cistus, acaule' """ as_string = ', '.join(self.list_topic(k, Nwords)) return as_string
[docs] def list_topics(self, Nwords=10): """ Yields lists of the top ``Nwords`` for each topic. Parameters ---------- Nwords : int Number of words to return for each topic. Returns ------- as_dict : dict Keys are topic indices, values are list of words. """ as_dict = {} for k in xrange(self.Z): as_dict[k] = self.list_topic(k, Nwords) return as_dict
[docs] def print_topics(self, Nwords=10): """ Yields the top ``Nwords`` for each topic, as a string. Parameters ---------- Nwords : int Number of words to return for each topic. Returns ------- as_string : str Newline-delimited lists of words for each topic. """ as_dict = self.list_topics(Nwords) s = [] for key, value in as_dict.iteritems(): s.append('{0}: {1}'.format(key, ', '.join(value))) as_string = '\n'.join(s) return as_string
[docs]def from_mallet(top_doc, word_top, metadata): """ Generate a :class:`.LDAModel` from MALLET output. MALLET's LDA topic modeling algorithm produces multiple output files. See the `MALLET documentation <>`_ for details. When invoking MALLET's ``train-topics`` procedure, you should have provided the ``--output-doc-topics`` and ``--word-topic-counts-file`` parameters; the ``top_doc`` and ``word_top`` parameters should be paths to those two files. You should also provide the path ``metadata`` to a tab-separated file containing metadata about the documents used to build the model. The first column should be the ID used in the original corpus files. For example:: 10.2307/1709733 1962 BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION SCIENCE 10.2307/20000814 1974 THE USE OF DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMATICS IN GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA Parameters ---------- top_doc : string Path to topic-document datafile generated with ``--output-doc-topics``. word_top : string Path to word-topic datafile generated with ``--word-topic-counts-file``. metadata : string Path to tab-separated metadata file with :class:`.Paper` keys. Returns ------- ldamodel : :class:`.LDAModel` """ loader = MALLETLoader(top_doc, word_top, metadata) model = loader.load() return model
[docs]class MALLETLoader(object): """ Used by :func:`.from_mallet` to load MALLET output. """ def __init__(self, top_doc, word_top, metapath): """ Parameters ---------- top_doc : string Path to topic-document datafile generated with ``--output-doc-topics``. word_top : string Path to word-topic datafile generated with ``--word-topic-counts-file``. metadata : string Path to tab-separated metadata file with :class:`.Paper` keys. """ self.top_doc = top_doc self.word_top = word_top self.metapath = metapath
[docs] def load(self): """ Load a :class:`.LDAModel` from MALLET output. Returns ------- self.model : :class:`.LDAModel` """ self._handle_top_doc() self._handle_metadata() self._handle_word_top() self.model = LDAModel(self.theta, self.phi, self.metadata, self.vocabulary) return self.model
def _handle_top_doc(self): """ Used by :func:`.from_mallet` to reconstruct theta posterior distributions. Returns ------- td : Numpy array Rows are documents, columns are topics. Rows sum to ~1. """ path = self.top_doc D = [] T = [] P = [] doc_index = {} with open(path, "rb") as f: i = -1 reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for line in reader: i += 1 if i == 0: continue # Avoid header row. d = int(line[0]) id = str(line[1]) doc_index[d] = id t = line[2:] tops = [] for i in xrange(0,len(t)-1,2): tops.append( (int(t[i]), float(t[i+1])) ) for k,p in tops: D.append(d) # Document indices. T.append(k) # Topic indices. P.append(p) # Proportions. M = len(set(D)) # Number of documents. K = len(set(T)) # Number of topics. self.theta = coo_matrix((P, (D,T)), shape=(M,K)).todense() self.doc_index = doc_index return self.theta, self.doc_index def _handle_word_top(self): """ Used by :func:`.from_mallet` to reconstruct phi posterior distributions. Returns ------- wt : Numpy array Rows are topics, columns are words. Rows sum to ~1. """ path = self.word_top vocabulary = {} W = [] T = [] C = [] with open(path, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ') for line in reader: w = int(line[0]) term = str(line[1]) vocabulary[w] = term for l in line[2:]: k,c = l.split(':') W.append(w) T.append(int(k)) C.append(float(c)) K = max(T) + 1 V = len(set(W)) phi = coo_matrix((C, (T,W)), shape=(K,V)).todense() # Normalize for k in xrange(K): phi[k,:] /= np.sum(phi[k,:]) self.phi = phi self.vocabulary = vocabulary return phi, vocabulary def _handle_metadata(self): """ Used by :func:`.from_mallet` to read metadata file. Returns ------- md : dict Keys are document indices, values are identifiers from a :class:`.Paper` property. """ path = self.metapath lookup = { v:k for k,v in self.doc_index.iteritems() } md = {} with open(path, "rU") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') all_lines = [ l for l in reader ] keys = all_lines[0] lines = all_lines[1:] for l in lines: md[lookup[l[0]]] = { keys[i]:l[i] for i in xrange(0, len(l)) } self.metadata = md return md