
Source code for tethne.persistence.hdf5

Classes and methods for persisting Tethne data objects in HDF5.

.. autosummary::


import graphcollection, ldamodel, tapmodel, dtmmodel, corpus
from util import get_h5file
from ...classes import GraphCollection, Corpus
from ...model import LDAModel, TAPModel, DTMModel

htypes = {
    'GraphCollection': graphcollection.from_hdf5,
    'LDAModel': ldamodel.from_hdf5,
    'TAPModel': tapmodel.from_hdf5,
    'DTMModel': dtmmodel.from_hdf5,

[docs]def to_hdf5(obj, datapath=None): """ Convert a Tethne data object to its HDF5 representation. Parameters ---------- obj : object Can be a :class:`.Corpus`\, :class:`.GraphCollection`\, or an object from :mod:`.model`\. datapath : str Path to HDF5 file (will be created). Returns ------- HDF5 object Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.persistence import hdf5 >>> MyHDF5Corpus = hdf5.to_hdf5(MyCorpus, datapath='/path/to/my/data.h5') >>> MyHDF5Corpus <tethne.persistence.hdf5.corpus.HDF5Corpus object at 0x10770fd10> """ if type(obj) is GraphCollection: return graphcollection.to_hdf5(obj, datapath=datapath) elif type(obj) is LDAModel: return ldamodel.to_hdf5(obj, datapath=datapath) elif type(obj) is TAPModel: return tapmodel.to_hdf5(obj, datapath=datapath) elif type(obj) is DTMModel: return dtmmodel.to_hdf5(obj, datapath=datapath) elif type(obj) is Corpus: return corpus.to_hdf5(obj, datapath=datapath)
[docs]def from_hdf5(HD_or_path): """ Load a data object from a HDF5 object, or a path to an HDF5 repository. Parameters ---------- HD_or_path : str or object If an object, expects an object from :mod:`.persistence.hdf5`\. If str, expects a path to an H5 repo, and will determine object type from the contents of that file. Returns ------- object Corresponding Tethne data object (e.g. :class:`.Corpus`\). Examples -------- From an HDF5 object: .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.persistence import hdf5 >>> MyCorpus = hdf5.from_hdf5(MyHDF5Corpus) >>> MyCorpus <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x1007d5fd0> From an HDF5 repo containing a :class:`.HDF5Corpus`\: .. code-block:: python >>> MyCorpus = hdf5.from_hdf5('/path/to/my/corpus.h5') >>> MyCorpus <tethne.classes.corpus.Corpus object at 0x1007d5fd0> """ if type(HD_or_path) is str: # Determine object type from File.title. h5file,a,b = get_h5file('', HD_or_path) htype = h5file.title.split('-')[0] return htypes[htype](HD_or_path) # Load directly from HDF5 object. if type(HD_or_path) is graphcollection.HDF5GraphCollection: return graphcollection.from_hdf5(HD_or_path) elif type(HD_or_path) is ldamodel.HDF5LDAModel: return ldamodel.from_hdf5(HD_or_path) elif type(HD_or_path) is tapmodel.HDF5TAPModel: return tapmodel.from_hdf5(HD_or_path) elif type(HD_or_path) is dtmmodel.HDF5DTMModel: return dtmmodel.from_hdf5(HD_or_path) elif type(HD_or_path) is corpus.HDF5Corpus: return coprus.from_hdf5(HD_or_path)