
Source code for tethne.readers.wos

Reader for Web of Science field-tagged bibliographic data.

Tethne parses Web of Science field-tagged data into a list of :class:`.Paper` 
objects. This is a two-step process: data are first parsed into a list of 
dictionaries with field-tags as keys, and then each dictionary is converted to a
:class:`.Paper` . :func:`` performs both steps in sequence.

One-step Parsing

The method :func:`` performs both :func:`.readers.wos.parse` 
and :func:`.readers.wos.convert` . This is the preferred (simplest) approach in
most cases.

.. code-block:: python

   >>> papers ="/Path/to/savedrecs.txt")
   >>> papers[0]
   < instance at 0x101b575a8>

Alternatively, if you have many data files saved in the same directory, you can 
use :func:`.readers.wos.from_dir` :

.. code-block:: python

   >>> papers = rd.wos.parse_from_dir("/Path/to")

Two-step Parsing

Use the two-step approach if you need to access fields not included in 
:class:`.Paper`\, or if you wish to perform some intermediate manipulation on
the raw parsed data.

First import the :mod:`.readers.wos` module:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> import tethne.readers as rd

Then parse the WoS data to a list of field-tagged dictionaries using 
:func:`.readers.wos.parse` :

.. code-block:: python

   >>> wos_list = rd.wos.parse("/Path/to/savedrecs.txt")
   >>> wos_list[0].keys()
   ['EM', '', 'CL', 'AB', 'WC', 'GA', 'DI', 'IS', 'DE', 'VL', 'CY', 'AU', 'JI', 
    'AF', 'CR', 'DT', 'TC', 'EP', 'CT', 'PG', 'PU', 'PI', 'RP', 'J9', 'PT', 
    'LA', 'UT', 'PY', 'ID', 'SI', 'PA', 'SO', 'Z9', 'PD', 'TI', 'SC', 'BP', 
    'C1', 'NR', 'RI', 'ER', 'SN']

Convert those field-tagged dictionaries to :class:`.Paper` objects using 
:func:`.readers.wos.convert` :

.. code-block:: python

   >>> papers = rd.wos.convert(wos_list)
   >>> papers[0]
   < instance at 0x101b575a8>


.. autosummary::



import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from ..utilities import *
from ..classes import Corpus, Paper
import os
import re
import uuid

# MACRO for printing the 'print' statement values.
# 0 prints nothing in the console.
# 1 prints all print statements in the console.

def _create_ayjid(aulast=None, auinit=None, date=None, jtitle=None, **kwargs):
    Convert aulast, auinit, and jtitle into the fuzzy identifier ayjid
    Returns 'Unknown paper' if all id components are missing (None).

    Kwargs : dict
        A dictionary of keyword arguments.
    aulast : string
        Author surname.
    auinit: string
        Author initial(s).
    date : string
        Four-digit year.
    jtitle : string
        Title of the journal.

    ayj : string
        Fuzzy identifier ayjid, or 'Unknown paper' if all id components are
        missing (None).

    if aulast is None:
        aulast = ''
    elif isinstance(aulast, list):
        aulast = aulast[0]

    if auinit is None:
        auinit = ''
    elif isinstance(auinit, list):
        auinit = auinit[0]

    if date is None:
        date = ''

    if jtitle is None:
        jtitle = ''

    ayj = aulast + ' ' + auinit + ' ' + str(date) + ' ' + jtitle

    if ayj == '   ':
        ayj = 'Unknown paper'

    return ayj.upper()

def _create_ainstid(aulast=None, auinit=None, addr1=None, \
                   addr2=None, country=None, **kwargs):
    This function is to create an fuzzy identifier ainstid.
    Convert aulast, auinit, and jtitle into the fuzzy identifier ainstid.
    Returns 'Unknown Institution' if all id components are missing (None).

    Kwargs : dict
        A dictionary of keyword arguments.
    aulast : string
        Author surname.
    auinit : string
        Author initial(s).
    address1 : string
        Address of the Institution.
    address2 : string
        Address of the Institution.
    country : string
        Country of affiliation

    ainstid : string
        Fuzzy identifier ainstid, or 'Unknown Institution' if all id components
        are missing (None).

    if aulast is None:
        aulast = ''
    elif isinstance(aulast, list):
        aulast = aulast[0]

    if auinit is None:
        auinit = ''
    elif isinstance(auinit, list):
        auinit = auinit[0]

    if addr1 is None:
        addr1 = ''

    if  addr2 is None:
        addr2 = ''
    if  country is None:
        country = ''

    ainstid = aulast + ' ' + auinit + ' ' + addr1 + ' ' + addr2 + ' ' + country

    if ainstid == ' ':
        ainstid = 'Unknown Institution'

    return ainstid

# Web of Science functions
[docs]def parse(filepath): """ Parse Web of Science field-tagged data. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Filepath to the Web of Science plain text file. Returns ------- wos_list : list A list of dictionaries each associated with a paper from the Web of Science with keys from docs/fieldtags.txt as encountered in the file; most values associated with keys are strings with special exceptions defined by the list_keys and int_keys variables. Raises ------ KeyError : Key value which needs to be converted to an 'int' is not present. AttributeError : IOError : File at filepath not found, not readable, or empty. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> wos_list = rd.wos.parse("/Path/to/data.txt") Notes ----- Unknown keys: RI, OI, Z9 """ wos_list = [] paper_start_key = 'PT' paper_end_key = 'ER' stop_flag = 0 # Try to read filepath line_list = [] try: with open(filepath,'r') as f: line_list = except IOError: # File does not exist, or couldn't be read. raise IOError("File does not exist, or cannot be read.") if len(line_list) is 0: raise IOError("Unable to read filepath or filepath is empty.") # Convert the data in the file to a usable list of dictionaries. # Note: first two lines of file are not related to any paper therein. last_field_tag = paper_start_key #initialize to something. for line in line_list[2:]: line = strip_non_ascii(line) field_tag = line[:2] if field_tag == ' ': pass if field_tag == paper_start_key: # Then prepare for next paper. wos_dict = _new_wos_dict() if field_tag == paper_end_key: # Then add paper to our list. wos_list.append(wos_dict) # Handle keys like AU,AF,CR that continue over many lines. if field_tag == ' ': field_tag = last_field_tag # Add value for the key to the wos_dict: the rest of the line. try: if field_tag in ['AU', 'AF', 'CR', 'C1', 'CA']: # These unique fields use the new line delimiter to distinguish # their list elements below. # The field C1 can be either in multiple lines or in a single # line -- It is the address/institutions of the author. wos_dict[field_tag] += '\n' + str(line[3:]) else: wos_dict[field_tag] += ' ' + str(line[3:]) except (KeyError, TypeError, UnboundLocalError): wos_dict[field_tag] = str(line[3:]) last_field_tag = field_tag # End line loop. # Define keys that should be lists instead of default string. list_keys = ['AU', 'AF', 'DE', 'ID', 'CR', 'C1', 'CA'] delims = {'AU':'\n', 'AF':'\n', 'DE':';', 'ID':';', 'C1':'\n', 'CR':'\n', 'CA':'\n'} # And convert the data at those keys into lists. for wos_dict in wos_list: for key in list_keys: delim = delims[key] try: key_contents = wos_dict[key] if delim != '\n': wos_dict[key] = key_contents.split(delim) else: wos_dict[key] = key_contents.splitlines() except KeyError: # One of the keys to be converted to a list didn't exist. pass except AttributeError: # Again a key didn't exist but it belonged to the wos # data_struct set of keys; can't split a None. pass # Similarly convert some data from string to int. int_keys = ['PY'] for wos_dict in wos_list: for key in int_keys: try: wos_dict[key] = int(wos_dict[key]) except KeyError: # One of the keys to be converted to an int didn't exist. pass except TypeError: # Again a key didn't exist but it belonged to the wos # data_struct set of keys; can't convert None to an int. pass return wos_list
def _parse_cr(ref): """ Supports the Web of Science reader by converting the strings found at the CR field tag of a record into a minimum :class:`.Paper` instance. Parameters ---------- ref : str CR field tag data from a plain text Web of Science file. Returns ------- paper : :class:`.Paper` A :class:`.Paper` instance. Raises ------ IndexError When input 'ref' has less number of tokens than necessary ones. ValueError Gets input with mismacthed inputtype. Ex: getting no numbers for a date field. Notes ----- Needs a sophisticated name parser, would like to use an open source resource for this. If WoS is missing a field in the middle of the list there are NOT commas indicating that; the following example does NOT occur: Doe J, ,, Some Journal instead Doe J, Some Journal This threatens the integrity of WoS data; should we address it? Another threat: if WoS is unsure of the DOI number there will be multiple DOI numbers in a list of form [doi1, doi2, ...], address this? """ paper = Paper() #tokens of form: aulast auinit, date, jtitle, volume, spage, doi tokens = ref.split(',') try: #FIXME: needs better name parser # Checking for few parsers, in the meantime trying out few things. name = tokens[0] # Temp Solution for #62809724 pattern = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\]') match = if match: # remove the [] and make it a proper one. name = name[match.start()+1:match.end()-1] if DEBUG : print 'stripped name: ', name name_tokens = name.split(' ') if len(name_tokens) < 2: # name_tokens.append('None') name_tokens.append(' ') paper['aulast'] = [name_tokens[0]] paper['auinit'] = [''.join(name_tokens[1:]).replace('.','')] if DEBUG: print "Final Meta Dicts", paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'] # Temp Solution for #62809724 if paper['auinit'] == 'None' or paper['aulast'] == 'None' : raise ("The Cited References field is not in the expeceted format") #strip initial characters based on the field (spaces, 'V', 'DOI') paper['date'] = int(tokens[1][1:]) paper['jtitle'] = tokens[2][1:] paper['volume'] = tokens[3][2:] paper['spage'] = tokens[4][2:] paper['doi'] = tokens[5][5:] except IndexError as E: # ref did not have the full set of tokens pass except ValueError as E: # This occurs when the program expects a date pass # but gets a string with no numbers. We leave # the field incomplete because chances are the # CR string is too sparse to use anyway. ayjid = _create_ayjid(paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'], paper['date'], paper['jtitle']) paper['ayjid'] = ayjid return paper
[docs]def convert(wos_data): """ Convert parsed field-tagged data to :class:`.Paper` instances. Convert a dictionary or list of dictionaries with keys from the Web of Science field tags into a :class:`.Paper` instance or list of :class:`.Paper` instances, the standard for Tethne. Each :class:`.Paper` is tagged with an accession id for this conversion. Parameters ---------- wos_data : list A list of dictionaries with keys from the WoS field tags. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> wos_list = rd.wos.parse("/Path/to/data.txt") >>> papers = rd.wos.convert(wos_list) Notes ----- Need to handle author name anomolies (case, blank spaces, etc.) that may make the same author appear to be two different authors in Networkx; this is important for any graph with authors as nodes. """ accession = str(uuid.uuid4()) #create a Paper for each wos_dict and append to this list papers = [] #handle dict inputs by converting to a 1-item list if type(wos_data) is dict: wos_data = [wos_data] #print 'wos data \n' , wos_data # Calling the validate function here, before even building papers list # [62809724] status = _validate(wos_data) if not status: #raise Error pass # Define the direct relationships between WoS fieldtags and Paper keys. translator = _wos2paper_map() # Perform the key convertions for wos_dict in wos_data: paper = Paper() #direct translations for key in translator.iterkeys(): paper[translator[key]] = wos_dict[key] # Group authors ('CA') are treated as personal authors. if 'CA' in wos_dict.keys(): try: wos_dict['AU'] += wos_dict['CA'] except TypeError: wos_dict['AU'] = wos_dict['CA'] try: wos_dict['AF'] += wos_dict['CA'] except KeyError: wos_dict['AF'] = wos_dict['CA'] # more complicated translations # FIXME: not robust to all names, organziation authors, etc. if wos_dict['AU'] is not None: paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'] = _handle_authors(wos_dict) #construct ayjid ayjid = _create_ayjid(paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'], paper['date'], paper['jtitle']) paper['ayjid'] = ayjid # Parse author-institution affiliations. #60216226, #57746858. if wos_dict['C1'] is not None: paper['institutions'] = _handle_author_institutions(wos_dict) # Convert CR references into paper format if wos_dict['CR'] is not None: meta_cr_list = [] for ref in wos_dict['CR']: meta_cr_list.append(_parse_cr(ref)) #print 'meta_cr_list' , meta_cr_list paper['citations'] = meta_cr_list paper['accession'] = accession papers.append(paper) # End wos_dict for loop. return papers
def _handle_authors(wos_dict): aulast_list = [] auinit_list = [] for name in wos_dict['AU']: name_tokens = name.split(',') aulast = name_tokens[0].upper().strip() try: # 1 for 'aulast, aufirst' auinit = name_tokens[1][1:].upper().strip() except IndexError: # then no first initial character # preserve parallel name lists with empty string auinit = '' aulast_list.append(aulast) auinit_list.append(auinit) return aulast_list, auinit_list def _handle_author_institutions(wos_dict): pattern = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\]') author_institutions = {} for c1_str in wos_dict['C1']: # One C1 line for each institution. match = if match: # Explicit author-institution mappings are provided. # For example: # # [Lin, Bing-Sian; Lee, Chon-Lin] Natl Sun Yat Sen Univ, Dept # Marine Environm & Engn, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. # [Brimblecombe, Peter] Univ E Anglia, Sch Environm Sci, Norwich NR4 # 7TJ, Norfolk, England. # [Lee, Chon-Lin] Natl Sun Yat Sen Univ, Asia Pacific Ocean Res Ctr, # Kuroshio Res Grp, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. # [Lee, Chon-Lin] Natl Sun Yat Sen Univ, Ctr Emerging Contaminants # Res, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. # [Liu, James T.] Natl Sun Yat Sen Univ, Inst Marine Geol & Chem, # Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. authors = c1_str[match.start()+1:match.end()-1].split('; ') institution = c1_str[match.end():].upper() \ .strip() \ .strip('.') \ .split(', ') for author in authors: # The A-I mapping (in data) uses the AF representation # of author names. But we use the AU representation # as our mapping key to ensure consistency with older # datasets. author_index = wos_dict['AF'].index(author) author_au = wos_dict['AU'][author_index].upper() \ .replace(',','') inst_name = ', '.join([institution[0], institution[-1].strip()]) # Use lists, so we can tally 'votes' for most likely # institution. try: author_institutions[author_au].append(inst_name) except KeyError: author_institutions[author_au] = [inst_name] else: # Author-institution mappings are not provided. We # therefore map all authors to all institutions. # For example: # # UN, Environm Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. # Univ Haifa, Dept Geog, IL-31095 Haifa, Israel. for author_au in wos_dict['AU']: author_au = author_au.upper() \ .replace(',','') institution = c1_str.upper() \ .strip() \ .strip('.') \ .split(',') inst_name = ', '.join([institution[0], institution[-1].strip()]) # Use lists, so we can tally 'votes' for most likely # institution. try: author_institutions[author_au].append(inst_name) except KeyError: author_institutions[author_au] = [inst_name] # Convert values back to lists before returning. return { k:list(v) for k,v in author_institutions.iteritems() }
[docs]def read(datapath): """ Yields a list of :class:`.Paper` instances from a Web of Science data file. Parameters ---------- datapath : string Filepath to the Web of Science field-tagged data file. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/to/data.txt") """ # Added Try Except try: wl = parse(datapath) papers = convert(wl) except IOError: raise IOError("Invalid path.") return papers # [#60462784]
[docs]def from_dir(path): """ Convenience function for generating a list of :class:`.Paper` from a directory of Web of Science field-tagged data files. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory of field-tagged data files. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` objects. Raises ------ IOError Invalid path. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers = rd.wos.from_dir("/Path/to/datadir") """ wos_list = [] try: files = os.listdir(path) except IOError: raise IOError("Invalid path.") for f in files: if not f.startswith('.'): # Ignore hidden files. try: wos_list += parse(path + "/" + f) except (IOError,UnboundLocalError): # Ignore files that don't pass # contain WoS data. papers = convert(wos_list) return papers
[docs]def read_corpus(path): """ """ papers = read(path) return Corpus(papers, index_by='wosid')
[docs]def corpus_from_dir(path): """ Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory of field-tagged data files. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` objects. """ papers = from_dir(path) return Corpus(papers, index_by='wosid') # [62809724]
def _validate(wos_data): """ Defines the fucntion to check the input data validation. Returns ------- bool - True or false if the data is in expected format (True) if the respective field is not in expected format (False) Raises ------ ValueError - according to the severity of the issue, whether the wrong format will affect the further processing. """ if DEBUG: print wos_data # Create a translator dict whose keys are the fields which needs to be # validated from the input. # Any new field which needs validation in the future translator = _new_wos_dict() # Now all these input fields needs to be validated as per requirements. for wos_dict in wos_data: #direct translations for key in translator.iterkeys(): if DEBUG : print wos_dict[key] # Validate for 'CR' field if wos_dict['CR'] is not None: for cr in wos_dict['CR']: # check if the CR field is populated correctly pass if wos_dict['C1'] is not None: for cr in wos_dict['C1']: # check if the C1 field is populated correctly pass status = 1 return status def _new_query_dict(): """ Declares only those keys of the :class:`.Paper`'s metadata that are queryable through CrossRef. """ q_dict = { 'aulast':None, 'auinit':None, 'atitle':None, 'address':None, 'jtitle':None, 'volume':None, 'issue':None, 'spage':None, 'epage':None, 'date':None } return q_dict def _new_wos_dict(): """ Defines the set of field tags that will try to be converted, and intializes them to 'None'. Returns ------- wos_dict : dict A wos_list dictionary with 'None' as default values for all keys. """ wos_dict = { 'DI':None, 'AU':None, 'C1':None, 'TI':None, 'SO':None, 'VL':None, 'IS':None, 'BP':None, 'EP':None, 'PY':None, 'UT':None, 'CR':None, 'AB':None } return wos_dict def _wos2paper_map(): """ Defines the direct relationships between the wos_dict and :class:`.Paper`. Returns ------- translator : dict A 'translator' dictionary. """ translator = { 'DI':'doi', 'TI':'atitle', 'SO':'jtitle', 'VL':'volume', 'IS':'issue', 'BP':'spage', 'EP':'epage', 'PY':'date', 'UT':'wosid', 'AB':'abstract' } return translator #Custom Error Defined
[docs]class DataError(Exception): pass