Bibliographic Coupling ====================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Bibliographic coupling can be a useful and computationally cheap way to explore the thematic topology of a large scientific literature. `Bibliographic coupling `_ was first proposed as a method for detecting latent topical affinities among research publications by Myer M. Kessler at MIT in 1958. In 1972, J.C. Donohue suggested that bibliographic coupling could be used to the map "research fronts" in science, and this method, along with co-citation analysis and other citation-based clustering techniques, became a core methodology of the science-mapping craze of the 1970s. Bibliographic coupling is still employed in the context of both information-retrieval and science-studies. Two papers are bibliographically coupled if they both cite at least some of the same papers. The core assumption of bibliographic coupling analysis is that if two papers cite similar literatures, then they must be topically related in some way. That is, they are more likely to be related to each other than to papers with which they share no cited references. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/citationnetworks.png :width: 600 :align: center This tutorial provides a walk-through for building bibliographic coupling networks from Web of Science citation data. What we are aiming for is a graph model of our bibliographic data that reveals thematically coherent and informative clusters of documents. We will use Tethne's :func:`.bibligraphic_coupling` method, along with Cytocape's MCODE clustering plugin, to generate a visualization that looks something like this: .. image:: _static/images/bibliographic_coupling.png :width: 600 :align: center In this example, each node represents a scientific paper, and each densely-connected colored group of nodes corresponds to a research theme or sub-field that holds those papers together. Getting Started --------------- Before you begin, be sure to install the latest version of Tethne. Consult the :ref:`installation` guide for details. **If you run into problems**, don't panic. Tethne is under active development, and there are certainly bugs to be found. Please report any problems, including errors in this tutorial, via our `GitHub issue tracker `_. For this tutorial, you'll need some citation data from the ISI Web of Science. If this is your first time working with WoS citation data, check out :ref:`gettingdata`\. We'll assume that you have downloaded a few sets of records from WoS, and stored them all in the same directory. .. code-block:: python >>> datapath = '/path/to/my/data/directory' Reading WoS Data ---------------- You can parse WoS data from one or multiple field-tagged data files, using the methods in the :mod:`.readers` module. Since we're working with multiple data files, we'll use the :mod:`.readers.wos.corpus_from_dir` method to parse the WoS data and create a new :class:`.Corpus` called ``MyCorpus``. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import wos >>> MyCorpus = wos.corpus_from_dir(datapath) ``MyCorpus`` should contain some :class:`.Paper`\s, as well as some citations. .. code-block:: python >>> print len(MyCorpus.papers) # How many Papers? 1859 >>> print len(MyCorpus.citations) # How many citations? 57774 If you have fewer :class:`.Paper`\s than you expect, it is possible that some of the records in your dataset were duplicates. If you don't have any citations, go back and make sure that you downloaded full records with citations from the WoS database. See :ref:`gettingdata`\. Building a Static Network ------------------------- We will first build a static bibliographic coupling network using all of the :class:`.Paper`\s in our :class:`.Corpus`\. To create a static network, we can use the methods in :mod:`.networks` directly. The :func:`.bibliographic_coupling` method can be found in the :mod:`.networks.papers` module. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.networks import papers >>> bc_network = papers.bibliographic_coupling(MyCorpus.all_papers(), threshold=3) In the example above, the :func:`Corpus.all_papers` method gets all of the papers from ``MyCorpus``. ``threshold=3`` means that two papers must share at least three bibliographic references to be considered coupled. Generating an informative graph using bibliographic coupling will require some tuning. Depending on the criteria that you used to generate your bibliographic dataset, you may need to adjust the coupling ``threshold``. Papers from a relatively narrow field have a high probability of sharing cited references, thus a threshold of ``1`` shared reference will result in a nearly complete graph that yields little information about the latent topical structure of that literature. If your dataset contains papers from quite disparate fields, however, you may wish to keep the threshold low. Since papers vary widely in the total number of references that they cite, it may be desirable to use a normalized overlap value rather than an absolute one. If the ``weighted`` parameter is set to ``True``, Tethne will use the normalized similarity metric ``s``: .. math:: s = \frac{N_{i|j}}{\sqrt{ N_i N_j }} If you choose to use absolute overlap (``weighted`` is ``False``), we suggest starting with a ``threshold`` of ``5``, and then adjusting it upward or downward to achieve optimal clustering. If you choose to use normalized overlap (``weighted`` is ``True``), then try starting with a ``threshold`` of ``0.05``. We'll also include some node attributes: ``date``, ``jtitle`` (journal title), and ``atitle`` (article title). .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.networks import papers >>> bc_network = papers.bibliographic_coupling(MyCorpus.all_papers(), threshold=0.05, ... node_attribs=['date', 'jtitle', 'atitle'], weighted=True) Export to GraphML ----------------- `GraphML `_ is a widely-used static network data format. We will write our network to GraphML for visualization in Cytoscape. This step should generate a file in your output folder called ``[DATASET_ID]_graph_all.graphml``. .. image:: _static/images/tutorial/coauthors.6.png :width: 600 :align: center Use the :func:`.to_graphml` method in :mod:`.writers.graph` to create a GraphML data file. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.writers import graph >>> graph.to_graphml(bc_network, '/path/to/my/bc_network.graphml') In the example above, a new file called ``bc_network.graphml`` should be created in the ``/path/to/my`` directory. Visualizing Static Networks in Cytoscape ---------------------------------------- Cytoscape was developed in 2002, with funding from the National Instute of General Medical Sciences and the National Resource for Network Biology. The primary user base is the biomedical research community, especially systems biologists who study gene or protein interaction networks and pathways. You can download Cytoscape 3 from ` `_. In this tutorial we are using Cytoscape 3.1. Import `````` In Cytoscape, import your network by selecting ``File > Import > Network > From file...`` and selecting the GraphML file generated by Tethne in your output directory. Tethne includes the ``similarity`` of each pair of papers as an edge attribute. You can tell Cytoscape to take similarity into account when laying out your graph. To apply an edge-weighted layout, select ``Layout > Edge-weighted Spring Embedded > similarity``. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.1.png :width: 900 :align: center Your network may look like a giant hairball. If you can't see much structure at all, you may wish to go back and rebuild the graph with a higher threshold. If your network is very sparse, you may wish to lower the threshold. Set edge weight as a function of ``similarity`` to see which links are the strongest in your network. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.2.png :width: 900 :align: center To get some idea of whether certain clusters in the network correspond to publication in the same journal, set node fill color as a discrete function of ``jtitle``. You can automatically generate node fill colors by right-clicking on the visual mapping, and selecting ``Mapping Value Generators > Random Color``. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.3.png :width: 900 :align: center Since you included the title of each paper (``atitle``) as a node attribute, you can get some idea of what makes a particular region of the network hang together by selecting some nodes and inspecting the ``Node Table`` in the ``Table Panel``. In the example below, a quick visual inspection suggests that parasites figure heavily in the selected papers. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.4.png :width: 900 :align: center .. _clusters: Cluster Detection ````````````````` Especially if your network is very dense, it may be difficult to find salient clusters by visual inspection alone. Clustering algorithms provide a useful way to find groups of nodes that hang together in some way. Most clustering algorithms use an optimization function to find groups of nodes that are more densely connected among themselves than with the rest of the network. One such clustering algorithm in Cytoscape is provided by the MCODE app. To install the MCODE app: 1. Select ``Apps > App Manager`` from the main menu. 2. Click on the ``Install Apps`` tab, and find MCODE in the list of available apps. 3. Click the ``Install`` button. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.5.png :width: 500 :align: center MCODE should now appear in the ``Apps`` menu. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.6.png :width: 400 :align: center 1. Select ``Apps > MCODE > Open MCODE``. A new tab should appear in the ``Control Panel`` at left. 2. To adjust the parameters of the MCODE cluster-finding algorithm, expand the ``Advanced Options``. MCODE works reasonable well with the default settings. 3. Click the ``Analyze current network`` button. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.7.png :width: 90 :align: center After a few moments, a new window should appear on the right side of the Cytoscape workspace. Click on a cluster in the ``Cluster Browser`` to select all of the nodes in that cluster. In some cases, MCODE will find clusters that are not at all obvious visually. This should give you an impression of the limitations of two-dimensional layouts for studying network structure, especially in very large, dense networks. In the example below, MCODE has found a cluster of papers dealing with invertebrate predators in marine inter-tidal zones. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.8.png :width: 900 :align: center MCODE allows you to create a subnetwork from the selected cluster, or export your results. Exporting your results produces a table like the one shown below, listing each of the detected clusters and the papers the belong to them. *Future versions of Tethne will use this result to generate labels for each cluster based on the terms that uniquely characterize those groups of papers.* .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.9.png :width: 500 :align: center MCODE sets three node attributes: * ``MCODE_Cluster`` contains the name of the cluster to which each node belongs. * ``MCODE_Score`` indicates how strongly the neighbors around a node cluster together. This is similar to the `Local clustering coefficient `_ * ``MCODE_Node_Status`` indicates whether a node is clustered, unclustered, or a seed node. Seed nodes are the reference nodes chosen by MCODE at the start of the cluster-detection process. In the visualization below, node fill color is mapped to ``MCODE_Cluster``. Node size is mapped to ``MCODE_Node_Status``: unclustered nodes are small, seed nodes are large, and clustered nodes are intermediate in size. .. image:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/cyto.10.png :width: 900 :align: center Evolving Networks ----------------- If your dataset contains records from across a broad time-domain, you may also wish to view the evolution of your bibliographic coupling network over time. We can do this by "slicing" our :class:`.Corpus`\, and generating a :class:`.GraphCollection` that holds a set of sequential graphs. .. _slicing-a-corpus: Slicing a Corpus ```````````````` Think of slicing as indexing: we will divide the :class:`.Paper`\s in our :class:`.Corpus` into bins by publication date, so that later on we can retrieve sets of papers corresponding to particular time-periods. You can slice your data using the :func:`Corpus.slice` method. In this tutorial, we'll slice our :class:`.Corpus` using a "sliding time-window"\. Rather than dividing papers into sequential non-overlapping time periods, the "time window" method generates overlapping subsets. For details, see :func:`Corpus.slice`\. .. figure:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/timeline.timeslice.png :width: 400 :align: center **Time-period** slicing, with a window-size of 4 years. .. figure:: _static/images/bibliocoupling/timeline.timewindow.png :width: 400 :align: center **Time-window** slicing, with a window-size of 4 years and a step-size of 1 year. To slice our :class:`.Corpus`\, we'll use a four-year sliding time-window. .. code-block:: python >>> MyCorpus('date', 'time_window', window_size=4) Building a GraphCollection ``````````````````````````` A :class:`.GraphCollection` is a set of graphs generated from a :class:`.Corpus` or model. We can generate a GraphCollection (``G``) in one step, using the :func:`` method. A simple example might look like this: .. code-block:: python >>> G = GraphCollection().build(C, 'date', 'papers', 'bibliographic_coupling') Here we have instructed :func:`` to build a graph for each 'slice' along the 'date' axis. ``'papers'`` indicates that we want to use a graph method from the :mod:`.networks.papers` submodule, and ``'bibliographic_coupling'`` indicates the name of the method from that module that we wish to use. To apply the parameters from our static network, we can also set the ``method_kwargs`` parameter. First we'll define the parameters that we wish to set: .. code-block:: python >>> method_kwargs = { ... 'threshold': 0.05, ... 'node_attribs': ['date', 'jtitle', 'atitle'], ... 'weighted': True ... } And then we'll pass those parameters to :func:``\. .. code-block:: python >>> G = GraphCollection().build(C, 'date', 'papers' 'bibliographic_coupling', ... method_kwargs=method_kwargs) ``G`` should now contain a series of graphs, one per time-window. .. code-block:: python >>> G.graphs {1921: , 1922: , 1923: , 1924: , 1925: , 1926: , 1927: , 1928: , 1929: , 1930: , 1931: , 1932: } Here the date keys (1921-1932) refer to the start-date of each time-window. So the key 1921 refers to the time-window 1921-1924. Visualizing a Dynamic Network ----------------------------- Use the :func:`.writers.collection.to_dxgmml` method to create a `dynamic XGMML `_ network data file. .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.writers import collection >>> collection.to_dxgmml(G, '/path/to/my/dynamicnetwork.xgmml') In Cytoscape, import your .xgmml file by selecting ``File > Import > Dynamic Network > XGMML File...``. Apply a force-directed or spring-embedded layout. .. image:: _static/images/tutorial/coauthors.34.png :width: 450 :align: center In the Control Panel, select the ``Dynamic Network`` tab. 1. Set the time resolution to roughly match the time-range of your network. In the example below, the network covers about 35 years, so a resolution of 1/50 was selected. 2. Set ``Time smoothness`` to ``0 ms``. 3. Use the slider to move through the states of your dynamic network. To view all states in succession, use the ``<< Play`` and ``Play >>`` buttons. .. image:: _static/images/tutorial/coauthors.37.png :width: 550 :align: center