Development Setup 5 Software Development 5 GitHub 3 Scrum 1 Python Projects 2 Getting Started 1
  • Crucible
  • Spring Tutorial One

    Create a new Project

  • Reporting Bugs

    We use the GitHub Issues tracking system for bug reporting and feature requests. If something doesn’t behave as expected when you’re using our software, you should report it by creating a new issue on that project’s GitHub page.

  • GitHub Workflow

    A few DigInG projects are hosted at SourceForge and use Subversion as version control system. However, most projects are hosted on GitHub and you will most likely interact with GitHub and Git in your projects. We will use the “Gitflow Workflow” described in this article. Please read it carefully, you will be expected to follow the described procedure. The most important points for you are:

  • Software Development Infrastructure

    In the Digital Innovation Group, we follow Continous Integration principles as much as possible. We are still in the process of setting up the infrastructure, but ideally all projects will use the following components.