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Source code for tethne.model.corpus

Corpus models describe latent topics (dimensions) that explain the
distribution of features (eg words) among documents in a :class:`.Corpus`\.

Tethne presently represents two corpus models:

.. autosummary::


Most model classes are subclasses of :class:`.BaseModel`\. It is assumed that
each model describes a set of items (eg :class:`.Paper`\s or authors), a set
of dimensions that describe those items (eg topics), and a set of features
that comprise those dimensions (eg words).

[docs]class LDAMixin(object):
[docs] def topics_in(self, d, topn=5): """ List the top ``topn`` topics in document ``d``. """ return self.theta.features[d].top(topn)
[docs] def list_topic(self, k, Nwords=10): """ List the top ``topn`` words for topic ``k``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> model.list_topic(1, Nwords=5) [ 'opposed', 'terminates', 'trichinosis', 'cistus', 'acaule' ] """ return [(self.vocabulary[w], p) for w, p in self.phi[k].top(Nwords)]
[docs] def list_topics(self, Nwords=10): """ List the top ``Nwords`` words for each topic. """ return [(k, self.list_topic(k, Nwords)) for k in xrange(len(self.phi))]
[docs] def print_topics(self, Nwords=10): """ Print the top ``Nwords`` words for each topic. """ print('Topic\tTop %i words' % Nwords) for k, words in self.list_topics(Nwords): print(unicode(k).ljust(3) + '\t' + ' '.join(list(zip(*words))[0]))
[docs] def topic_over_time(self, k, mode='counts', slice_kwargs={}): """ Calculate the representation of topic ``k`` in the corpus over time. """ return self.corpus.feature_distribution('topics', k, mode=mode, **slice_kwargs)