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Source code for tethne.tests.test_writers_collection

import sys

import unittest
from tethne.readers.wos import read
from tethne import Corpus, Paper, GraphCollection
from tethne.networks import coauthors
from tethne.utilities import _iterable
from tethne.writers.collection import to_dxgmml

import tempfile
import os

datapath = './tethne/tests/data/wos.txt'

[docs]class TestToDXGMML(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.corpus = read(datapath) self.G = GraphCollection(self.corpus, coauthors) f, self.temp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xgmml')
[docs] def test_write_dxgmml(self): try: to_dxgmml(self.G, self.temp) except Exception as E:
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()