
Source code for tethne.analyze.graph

Methods for network analysis.

.. autosummary::

import networkx as nx

[docs]def global_closeness_centrality(g, node=None, normalize=True): """ Calculates global closeness centrality for one or all nodes in the network. See :func:`.node_global_closeness_centrality` for more information. Parameters ---------- g : networkx.Graph normalize : boolean If True, normalizes centrality based on the average shortest path length. Default is True. Returns ------- C : dict Dictionary of results, with node identifiers as keys and gcc as values. """ if not node: C = {} for node in g.nodes(): C[node] = global_closeness_centrality(g, node, normalize=normalize) return C values = nx.shortest_path_length(g, node).values() c = sum([1./pl for pl in values if pl != 0.]) / len(g) if normalize: ac = 0 for sg in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g): if len(sg.nodes()) > 1: aspl = nx.average_shortest_path_length(sg) ac += (1./aspl) * (float(len(sg)) / float(len(g))**2 ) c = c/ac return c