
Source code for tethne.readers.dfr

Methods for parsing JSTOR Data-for-Research datasets.

.. autosummary::



import sys

from ..classes import Paper, Corpus

import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
from ..utilities import dict_from_node, strip_non_ascii
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import uuid
from collections import Counter

from unidecode import unidecode

[docs]class GramGenerator(object): """ Yields N-gram data from on-disk dataset, to make loading big datasets a bit more memory-friendly. Reusable, in the sense that :func:`.items`\, :func:`.iteritems`\, :func:`.keys`\, and :func:`.values` all return new :class:`.GramGenerator` instances with the same path. This allows a :class:`.GramGenerator` to sneakily pass as an ngrams dict in most practical situations. """ def __init__(self, path, elem, values=False, keys=False, ignore_hash=True): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to unzipped JSTOR DfR folder containing N-grams (e.g. 'bigrams'). elem : str Element in DfR dataset containing data of interest. E.g. 'bigrams'. values : bool If True, :func:`.next` returns only values. Otherwise, returns (key,value) tuples. """ self.path = path self.elem = elem self.ignore_hash = ignore_hash self.files = os.listdir(path) self.N = len([ d for d in self.files if d.split('.')[-1] == 'XML' ]) self.i = 0 self.V = values self.K = keys if self.V and self.K: raise ValueError('values and keys cannot both be true.') def __len__(self): return self.N def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return
[docs] def next(self): if self.i < self.N: cur = int(self.i) self.i += 1 return self._get(cur) else: raise StopIteration()
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns a :class:`GramGenerator` that produces key,value tuples. """ return GramGenerator(self.path, self.elem, ignore_hash=self.ignore_hash)
[docs] def iteritems(self): """ Returns a :class:`GramGenerator` that produces key,value tuples. """ return GramGenerator(self.path, self.elem, ignore_hash=self.ignore_hash)
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns a :class:`GramGenerator` that produces only values. """ return GramGenerator(self.path, self.elem, values=True, ignore_hash=self.ignore_hash)
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns a :class:`GramGenerator` that produces only keys. """ return GramGenerator(self.path, self.elem, keys=True, ignore_hash=self.ignore_hash)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._get(key) def _get(self, i): """ Retrieve data for the ith file in the dataset. """ root = ET.parse(self.path + "/" + self.files[i]).getroot() doi = root.attrib['id'] if self.K: # Keys only. return doi grams = [] for gram in root.findall(self.elem): text = unidecode(unicode(gram.text.strip())) if ( not self.ignore_hash or '#' not in list(text) ): c = ( text, int(gram.attrib['weight']) ) grams.append(c) if self.V: # Values only. return grams return doi, grams # Default behavior.
[docs]def read(datapath): """ Yields :class:`.Paper` s from JSTOR DfR package. Each :class:`.Paper` is tagged with an accession id for this read/conversion. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Filepath to unzipped JSTOR DfR folder containing a citations.XML file. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` objects. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> papers ="/Path/to/DfR") """ with open(datapath + "/citations.XML", mode='r') as f: data = data = data.replace('&', '&amp;') root = ET.fromstring(data) accession = str(uuid.uuid4()) papers = [] for article in root: paper = _handle_paper(article) paper['accession'] = accession papers.append(paper) return papers
[docs]def read_corpus(path, features=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`.Corpus` from a single DfR dataset. If ``features`` is provided (see below), will also load ngrams. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Filepath to unzipped JSTOR DfR folder containing a citations.XML file. features : list List of feature-grams (e.g. 'uni', 'bi', 'tri') to load from dataset. exclude : list Stoplist for feature-grams. **kwargs Use this to pass kwargs to :func:`.ngrams`. Returns ------- :class:`.Corpus` Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Get a stoplist. >>> stoplist = stopwords.words() >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> MyCorpus = dfr.read_corpus("/Path/to/DfR", ['uni'], stoplist) """ papers = read(path) grams = {} if features is not None: for feat in features: grams[feat+'grams'] = ngrams(path, feat, **kwargs) return Corpus(papers, features=grams, index_by='doi', exclude=exclude)
[docs]def from_dir(path): """ Convenience function for generating a list of :class:`.Paper` from a directory of JSTOR DfR datasets. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory containing DfR dataset directories. Returns ------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` objects. Raises ------ IOError Invalid path. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> papers = dfr.from_dir("/Path/to/datadir") """ papers = [] try: files = os.listdir(path) except IOError: raise IOError("Invalid path.") # Ignore hidden files. for f in files: if not f.startswith('.') and os.path.isdir(path + "/" + f): try: papers += read(path + "/" + f) except (IOError, UnboundLocalError): # Ignore directories that pass # don't contain DfR data. return papers
[docs]def ngrams_from_dir(path, N='uni', ignore_hash=True, mode='heavy'): """ Load ngrams from a directory of JSTOR DfR datasets. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory containing DfR dataset directories. N : string 'uni', 'bi', 'tri', or 'quad' ignore_hash : bool If True, will exclude all N-grams that contain the hash '#' character. mode : str If 'heavy' (default), loads all data into memory and returns a dict. If 'light', returns a (somewhat) reusable :class:`.GramGenerator`\. See :class:`.GramGenerator` for usage. Returns ------- ngrams : dict Keys are paper DOIs, values are lists of (Ngram, frequency) tuples. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> ngrams = dfr.ngrams_from_dir("/Path/to/datadir", 'uni') """ grams = {} try: files = os.listdir(path) except IOError: raise IOError('Invalid path.') for f in files: if not f.startswith('.') and os.path.isdir(path + '/' + f): try: fpath = path + '/' + f grams.update(ngrams(fpath, N, ignore_hash, mode)) except (IOError, UnboundLocalError, OSError): pass return grams
[docs]def corpus_from_dir(path, features=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`.Corpus` from a directory containing multiple DfR datasets. If ``features`` is provided (see below), will also load ngrams. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory containing DfR dataset directories. features : list List of feature-grams (e.g. 'uni', 'bi', 'tri') to load from dataset. exclude : list Stoplist for feature-grams. **kwargs Use this to pass kwargs to :func:`.ngrams`. Returns ------- :class:`.Corpus` Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Get a stoplist. >>> stoplist = stopwords.words() >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> C = dfr.corpus_from_dir('/path/to/DfR/datasets', 'uni', stoplist) """ papers = from_dir(path) grams = {} if features is not None: for feat in features: grams[feat+'grams'] = ngrams_from_dir(path, **kwargs) return Corpus(papers, features=grams, index_by='doi', exclude=exclude)
[docs]def ngrams(datapath, N='uni', ignore_hash=True, mode='heavy'): """ Yields N-grams from a JSTOR DfR dataset. Parameters ---------- datapath : string Path to unzipped JSTOR DfR folder containing N-grams (e.g. 'bigrams'). N : string 'uni', 'bi', 'tri', or 'quad' ignore_hash : bool If True, will exclude all N-grams that contain the hash '#' character. mode : str If 'heavy' (default), loads all data into memory and returns a dict. If 'light', returns a (somewhat) reusable :class:`.GramGenerator`\. See :class:`.GramGenerator` for usage. Returns ------- ngrams : dict Keys are paper DOIs, values are lists of (Ngram, frequency) tuples. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import dfr >>> trigrams = dfr.ngrams("/Path/to/DfR", N='tri') """ if N =='uni': gram_dir = "/wordcounts" elem = "wordcount" else: gram_dir = "/" + N + "grams" elem = N + "gram" gram_path = datapath + gram_dir if mode == 'light': return GramGenerator(gram_path, elem, ignore_hash=ignore_hash) elif mode == 'heavy': ngrams = {} for file in os.listdir(gram_path): if file.split('.')[-1] == 'XML': root = ET.parse(gram_path + "/" + file).getroot() doi = root.attrib['id'] grams = [] for gram in root.findall(elem): text = unidecode(unicode(gram.text.strip())) if ( not ignore_hash or '#' not in list(text) ): c = ( text, int(gram.attrib['weight']) ) grams.append(c) ngrams[doi] = grams return ngrams
[docs]def tokenize(ngrams, min_tf=2, min_df=2, min_len=3, apply_stoplist=False): """ Builds a vocabulary, and replaces words with vocab indices. Parameters ---------- ngrams : dict Keys are paper DOIs, values are lists of (Ngram, frequency) tuples. apply_stoplist : bool If True, will exclude all N-grams that contain words in the NLTK stoplist. Returns ------- t_ngrams : dict Tokenized ngrams, as doi:{i:count}. vocab : dict Vocabulary as i:term. token_tf : :class:`.Counter` Term counts for corpus, as i:count. """ vocab = {} vocab_ = {} word_tf = Counter() word_df = Counter() token_tf = Counter() token_df = Counter() t_ngrams = {} # Get global word counts, first. for grams in ngrams.values(): for g,c in grams: word_tf[g] += c word_df[g] += 1 if apply_stoplist: stoplist = stopwords.words() # Now tokenize. for doi,grams in ngrams.iteritems(): t_ngrams[doi] = [] for g,c in grams: ignore = False # Ignore extremely rare words (probably garbage). if word_tf[g] < min_tf or word_df[g] < min_df or len(g) < min_len: ignore = True # Stoplist. elif apply_stoplist: for w in g.split(): if w in stoplist: ignore = True if not ignore: # Coerce unicode to string. if type(g) is str: g = unicode(g) g = unidecode(g) if g not in vocab.values(): i = len(vocab) vocab[i] = g vocab_[g] = i else: i = vocab_[g] token_tf[i] += c token_df[i] += 1 t_ngrams[doi].append( (i,c) ) return t_ngrams, vocab, token_tf
def _handle_paper(article): """ Yields a :class:`.Paper` from an article ET node. Parameters ---------- article : Element ElementTree Element 'article'. Returns ------- paper : :class:`.Paper` """ paper = Paper() pdata = dict_from_node(article) # Direct mappings. translator = _dfr2paper_map() for key, value in translator.iteritems(): if key in pdata: # Article may not have all keys of interest. datum = pdata[key] if type(datum) is str: datum = unicode(datum) if type(datum) is unicode: datum = unidecode(datum).upper() try: # For now, ignore weird types that come through in datum. paper[value] = datum except ValueError: pass # Handle author names. paper['aulast'], paper['auinit'] = _handle_authors(pdata['author']) # Handle pubdate. paper['date'] = _handle_pubdate(pdata['pubdate']) # Handle pagerange. paper['spage'], paper['epage'] = _handle_pagerange(pdata['pagerange']) # Generate ayjid. try: paper['ayjid'] = _create_ayjid(paper['aulast'][0], paper['auinit'][0], \ paper['date'], paper['jtitle']) except IndexError: # Article may not have authors. pass return paper def _handle_pagerange(pagerange): """ Yields start and end pages from DfR pagerange field. Parameters ---------- pagerange : str or unicode DfR-style pagerange, e.g. "pp. 435-444". Returns ------- start : str Start page. end : str End page. """ try: pr = re.compile("pp\.\s([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)") start, end = re.findall(pr, pagerange)[0] except IndexError: start = end = 0 return str(start), str(end) def _handle_pubdate(pubdate): """ Yields a date integer from DfR pubdate field. """ return int(pubdate[0:4]) def _handle_authors(authors): """ Yields aulast and auinit lists from value of authors node. Parameters ---------- authors : list, str, or unicode Value or values of 'author' element in DfR XML. Returns ------- aulast : list A list of author surnames (string). auinit : list A list of author first-initials (string). """ aulast = [] auinit = [] if type(authors) is list: for author in authors: if type(author) is str: author = unicode(author) author = unidecode(author) try: l,i = _handle_author(author) aulast.append(l) auinit.append(i) except ValueError: pass elif type(authors) is str or type(authors) is unicode: if type(authors) is str: authors = unicode(authors) author = unidecode(authors) try: l,i = _handle_author(author) aulast.append(l) auinit.append(i) except ValueError: pass else: raise ValueError("authors must be a list or a string") return aulast, auinit def _handle_author(author): """ Yields aulast and auinit from an author's full name. Parameters ---------- author : str or unicode Author fullname, e.g. "Richard L. Nixon". Returns ------- aulast : str Author surname. auinit : str Author first-initial. """ lname = author.split(' ') try: auinit = lname[0][0] final = lname[-1].upper() if final in ['JR.', 'III']: aulast = lname[-2].upper() + " " + final.strip(".") else: aulast = final except IndexError: raise ValueError("malformed author name") return aulast, auinit def _dfr2paper_map(): """ Defines the direct relationships between DfR article elements and :class:`.Paper` fields. Returns ------- translator : dict A 'translator' dictionary. """ translator = { 'doi': 'doi', 'title': 'atitle', 'journaltitle': 'jtitle', 'volume': 'volume', 'issue': 'issue' } return translator def _create_ayjid(aulast=None, auinit=None, date=None, jtitle=None, **kwargs): """ Convert aulast, auinit, and jtitle into the fuzzy identifier ayjid Returns 'Unknown paper' if all id components are missing (None). Parameters ---------- Kwargs : dict A dictionary of keyword arguments. aulast : string Author surname. auinit: string Author initial(s). date : string Four-digit year. jtitle : string Title of the journal. Returns ------- ayj : string Fuzzy identifier ayjid, or 'Unknown paper' if all id components are missing (None). """ if aulast is None: aulast = '' elif isinstance(aulast, list): aulast = aulast[0] if auinit is None: auinit = '' elif isinstance(auinit, list): auinit = auinit[0] if date is None: date = '' if jtitle is None: jtitle = '' ayj = aulast + ' ' + auinit + ' ' + str(date) + ' ' + jtitle if ayj == ' ': ayj = 'Unknown paper' return ayj.upper()