
Source code for tethne.networks.features

Methods for building networks from terms in bibliographic records. This
includes keywords, abstract terms, etc.

.. autosummary::


import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename=None, format='%(asctime)-6s: %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(funcName)s - %(lineno)d - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from collections import Counter

def _filter(s, C, DC, N):
    if C > 5 and DC > N*0.05 and len(s) > 4:
        return True
    return False

[docs]def cooccurrence( papers, featureset, filter=_filter, graph=True, threshold=20, indexed_by='doi', **kwargs ): """ Generates a cooccurrence graph for features in ``featureset``. ``filter`` is a method applied to each feature, used to determine whether a feature should be included in the graph **before** co-occurrence values are generated. This can cut down on computational expense. ``filter`` should accept the following parameters: ========= ================================================================ Parameter Description ========= ================================================================ ``s`` Representation of the feature (e.g. a string). ``C`` The overall frequency of the feature in the :class:`.Corpus`\. ``DC`` The number of documents in which the feature occurs. ``N`` Total number of documents in the :class:`.Corpus`\. ========= ================================================================ The default filter is: .. code-block:: python >>> def _filter(s, C, DC, N): ... if C > 5 and DC > N*0.05 and len(s) > 4: ... return True ... return False Parameters ---------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. featurset : dict A featureset from a :class:`.Corpus`\. filter : method Method applied to each feature; should return True if the feature should be included, and False otherwise. See above. graph : bool (default: True) If False, returns a dictionary of co-occurrence values instead of a Graph. threshold : int (default: 20) Minimum co-occurrence value for inclusion in the Graph. If ``graph`` is False, this has no effect. indexed_by : str (default: 'doi') Field in :class:`.Paper` used as indexing values in ``featureset``. Returns ------- networkx.Graph or dict See ``graph`` parameter, above. """ if filter is None: # Turns filtering off (returns True for everything). logger.debug('Filtering is disabled.') def filter(*args, **kwargs): return True features = featureset['features'] index = featureset['index'] counts = featureset['counts'] dCounts = featureset['documentCounts'] # Apply the filter to the featureset. subset = [ f for f,s in index.iteritems() # Feature indices and strings. if filter(s, counts[f], dCounts[f], len(papers)) ] ecounts = Counter() # { (f_i, f_j) : int(cc) } for paper in papers: p = paper[indexed_by] # features is keyed by paper ID. try: # Not all papers have features data. fvect = features[p] except KeyError: # Raised when there are no data for that paper. continue feats,vals = zip(*fvect) feats = list(set(feats) & set(subset)) # Only keep filtered features. Nfeats = len(feats) # Generate the upper half of the co-occurrence matrix. for i in xrange(1,Nfeats): for e in zip(feats, feats[i:]): e_ = tuple(sorted(e)) # Matrix is symmetric. ecounts[e_] += 1 if not graph: logger.debug('No graph; return coocurrence values only.') return ecounts else: # Build an undirected graph, with co-occurrence values as weights. logger.debug('Building a graph, with co-occurrence values as weights.') g = nx.Graph() for e,co in ecounts.iteritems(): if co >= threshold: g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=co) # Add node labels. labels = { k:v for k,v in index.iteritems() if k in g.nodes() } nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'label', labels) return g
[docs]def mutual_information( papers, featureset, filter=None, threshold=0.5, indexed_by='doi', **kwargs ): """ Generates a graph of features in ``featureset`` based on normalized `pointwise mutual information (nPMI) <>`_. .. math:: nPMI(i,j)=\\frac{log(\\frac{p_{ij}}{p_i*p_j})}{-1*log(p_{ij})} ...where :math:`p_i` and :math:`p_j` are the probabilities that features *i* and *j* will occur in a document (independently), and :math:`p_{ij}` is the probability that those two features will occur in the same document. Parameters ---------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. featurset : dict A featureset from a :class:`.Corpus`\. filter : method Method applied to each feature prior to calculating co-occurrence. See :func:`.cooccurrence`\. threshold : float (default: 0.5) Minimum nPMI for inclusion the graph. indexed_by : str (default: 'doi') Field in :class:`.Paper` used as indexing values in ``featureset``. Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph Examples -------- Using wordcount data from JSTOR Data-for-Research, we can generate a nPMI network as follows: .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers import dfr # Prep corpus. >>> MyCorpus = dfr.read_corpus(datapath+'/dfr', features=['uni']) >>> MyCorpus.filter_features('unigrams', 'u_filtered') >>> corpus.transform('u_filtered', 'u_tfidf') >>> from tethne.networks import features # Build graph. >>> graph = features.mutual_information(MyCorpus.all_papers(), 'u_tfidf') >>> from tethne.writers.graph import to_graphml # Export graph. >>> to_graphml(graph, '/path/to/my/graph.graphml') Here's a small cluster from a similar graph, visualized in Cytoscape: .. figure:: _static/images/nPMI_phosphorus.png :width: 400 :align: center Edge weight and opacity indicate nPMI values. """ logger.debug('Build a pointwise mutual information graph.') graph = nx.Graph() ecounts = cooccurrence( papers, featureset, filter=filter, graph=False, indexed_by=indexed_by ) logger.debug('Got {0} cooccurrence values'.format(len(ecounts))) features = featureset['features'] index = featureset['index'] counts = featureset['counts'] dCounts = featureset['documentCounts'] for k,v in ecounts.iteritems(): p_i = min(float(dCounts[k[0]])/float(len(papers)), 1.0) p_j = min(float(dCounts[k[1]])/float(len(papers)), 1.0) p_ij = min(float(v)/float(len(papers)), 1.0) P = _nPMI(p_ij, p_i, p_j) if P >= threshold: graph.add_edge(k[0], k[1], weight=float(P)) logger.debug('Added {0} edges to graph.'.format(len(graph.edges()))) labels = { k:v for k,v in index.iteritems() if k in graph.nodes() } nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'label', labels) logger.debug('Added labels to {0} nodes.'.format(len(labels))) return graph
def _nPMI(p_ij, p_i, p_j): return ( np.log( p_ij/(p_i*p_j) ) ) / ( -1* np.log(p_ij) )
[docs]def keyword_cooccurrence(papers, threshold, connected=False, **kwargs): """ Generates a keyword cooccurrence network. Parameters ---------- papers : list A list of :class:`.Paper` objects. threshold : int Minimum number of occurrences for a keyword pair to appear in graph. connected : bool If True, returns only the largest connected component. Returns ------- k_coccurrence : networkx.Graph A keyword coccurrence network. Notes ----- Not thoroughly tested. **TODO** * Incorporate this into the featureset framework. """ # Extract keywords from papers. keywords = {} for entry in papers: if 'keywords' in entry.keys(): keywords[entry['wosid']] = entry['keywords'] # Generate the complete set of keywords in the dataset. wordset = set([]) for entry in papers: try: for kw in keywords[entry['wosid']]: wordset.add(kw) except: pass # Mapping of integer indices to keywords. i = 0 dictionary = {} dictionary_ = {} for word in wordset: dictionary[word] = i dictionary_[i] = word i += 1 cooccurrence = np.zeros((len(wordset), len(wordset))) frequencies = np.zeros((len(wordset),)) for entry in papers: if entry['keywords'] in keywords.keys(): for word in keywords[entry['wosid']]: frequencies[dictionary[word]] += 1 for word_ in keywords[entry['wosid']]: i = dictionary[word] j = dictionary[word_] if i != j: cooccurrence[i, j] += 1 G = nx.Graph() for i in xrange(len(wordset)): for j in xrange(i, len(wordset)): if cooccurrence[i, j] > 1 and i != j: G.add_edge(dictionary_[i], dictionary_[j], weight=int(cooccurrence[i, j])) if connected: # Return only the first connected component. return nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)[0] else: return G # Return the whole graph.
[docs]def topic_coupling(model, threshold=0.005, **kwargs): """ Creates a network of words connected by implication in a common topic(s). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`.LDAModel` threshold : float Minimum P(W|T) for coupling. Returns ------- tc : networkx.Graph A topic-coupling graph, where nodes are terms. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.networks import features >>> g = features.topic_coupling(MyLDAModel, threshold=0.015) Here's a similar network, visualized in Cytoscape: .. image:: _static/images/mallet/semantic_network.png :width: 600 :align: center For details, see :ref:`mallet-tutorial`. """ Z = model.Z W = model.W logger.debug('topic_coupling for {0} features, {1} topics.'.format(W,Z)) logger.debug('threshold: {0}'.format(threshold)) edges = {} for z in xrange(Z): word_sub = [] dimension = model.dimension(z, asmatrix=True) for w in dimension.nonzero()[1]: if dimension[0,w] >= threshold: word_sub.append(w) logger.debug('topic {0} generated {1} edges.'.format(z, len(word_sub))) for i in xrange(len(word_sub)): for j in xrange(i+1, len(word_sub)): w_i = word_sub[i] w_j = word_sub[j] p_i = dimension[0, w_i] p_j = dimension[0, w_j] try: edges[(w_i,w_j)].append((z, (p_i+p_j)/2)) except KeyError: edges[(w_i,w_j)] = [(z, (p_i+p_j)/2)] logger.debug('generated {0} edges'.format(len(edges))) tc = nx.Graph() for e, topics in edges.iteritems(): weight = sum( [ t[1] for t in topics ] ) / Z i_id = model.vocabulary[e[0]] j_id = model.vocabulary[e[1]] tc.add_edge(i_id, j_id, weight=float(weight), topics=[t[0] for t in topics]) logger.debug('done') return tc