
tethne.networks.features module

Methods for building networks from terms in bibliographic records. This includes keywords, abstract terms, etc.

cooccurrence Generates a cooccurrence graph for features in featureset.
mutual_information Generates a graph of features in featureset based on normalized pointwise mutual information (nPMI).
keyword_cooccurrence Generates a keyword cooccurrence network.
topic_coupling Creates a network of words connected by implication in a common topic(s).
tethne.networks.features.cooccurrence(papers, featureset, filter=<function _filter at 0x108845c08>, graph=True, threshold=20, indexed_by='doi', **kwargs)[source]

Generates a cooccurrence graph for features in featureset.

filter is a method applied to each feature, used to determine whether a feature should be included in the graph before co-occurrence values are generated. This can cut down on computational expense. filter should accept the following parameters:

Parameter Description
s Representation of the feature (e.g. a string).
C The overall frequency of the feature in the Corpus.
DC The number of documents in which the feature occurs.
N Total number of documents in the Corpus.

The default filter is:

>>> def _filter(s, C, DC, N):
...     if C > 5 and DC > N*0.05 and len(s) > 4:
...         return True
...     return False

papers : list

A list of Paper instances.

featurset : dict

A featureset from a Corpus.

filter : method

Method applied to each feature; should return True if the feature should be included, and False otherwise. See above.

graph : bool

(default: True) If False, returns a dictionary of co-occurrence values instead of a Graph.

threshold : int

(default: 20) Minimum co-occurrence value for inclusion in the Graph. If graph is False, this has no effect.

indexed_by : str

(default: ‘doi’) Field in Paper used as indexing values in featureset.


networkx.Graph or dict

See graph parameter, above.

tethne.networks.features.keyword_cooccurrence(papers, threshold, connected=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generates a keyword cooccurrence network.


papers : list

A list of Paper objects.

threshold : int

Minimum number of occurrences for a keyword pair to appear in graph.

connected : bool

If True, returns only the largest connected component.


k_coccurrence : networkx.Graph

A keyword coccurrence network.


Not thoroughly tested.


  • Incorporate this into the featureset framework.
tethne.networks.features.mutual_information(papers, featureset, filter=None, threshold=0.5, indexed_by='doi', **kwargs)[source]

Generates a graph of features in featureset based on normalized pointwise mutual information (nPMI).


...where p_i and p_j are the probabilities that features i and j will occur in a document (independently), and p_{ij} is the probability that those two features will occur in the same document.


papers : list

A list of Paper instances.

featurset : dict

A featureset from a Corpus.

filter : method

Method applied to each feature prior to calculating co-occurrence. See cooccurrence().

threshold : float

(default: 0.5) Minimum nPMI for inclusion the graph.

indexed_by : str

(default: ‘doi’) Field in Paper used as indexing values in featureset.


graph : networkx.Graph


Using wordcount data from JSTOR Data-for-Research, we can generate a nPMI network as follows:

>>> from tethne.readers import dfr               # Prep corpus.
>>> MyCorpus = dfr.read_corpus(datapath+'/dfr', features=['uni'])
>>> MyCorpus.filter_features('unigrams', 'u_filtered')
>>> corpus.transform('u_filtered', 'u_tfidf')

>>> from tethne.networks import features         # Build graph.
>>> graph = features.mutual_information(MyCorpus.all_papers(), 'u_tfidf')

>>> from tethne.writers.graph import to_graphml  # Export graph.
>>> to_graphml(graph, '/path/to/my/graph.graphml')

Here’s a small cluster from a similar graph, visualized in Cytoscape:


Edge weight and opacity indicate nPMI values.

tethne.networks.features.topic_coupling(model, threshold=0.005, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a network of words connected by implication in a common topic(s).


model : LDAModel

threshold : float

Minimum P(W|T) for coupling.


tc : networkx.Graph

A topic-coupling graph, where nodes are terms.


>>> from tethne.networks import features
>>> g = features.topic_coupling(MyLDAModel, threshold=0.015)

Here’s a similar network, visualized in Cytoscape:


For details, see Generating and Visualizing Topic Models with Tethne and MALLET.