
Source code for tethne.persistence.hdf5.graphcollection

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from ...classes import GraphCollection
from util import *
from networkx import Graph
import numpy
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

import cPickle as pickle

[docs]class HDF5GraphCollection(GraphCollection): """ Provides HDF5 persistence for :class:`.GraphCollection`\. At this time, the :class:`.HDF5GraphCollection` should only be used for storing existing :class:`.GraphCollection`\, and NOT for direct manipulation. """ def __init__(self, G=None, datapath=None): """ Initialize a :class:`.HDF5GraphCollection` with a :class:`.GraphCollection`\. """ logger.debug('HDF5GraphCollection: initialize.') self.h5file, self.path, self.uuid = get_h5file('GraphCollection', datapath) logger.debug('HDF5GraphCollection: got h5file at path {0}' .format(self.path)) # Load or create arrays group. self.agroup = get_or_create_group(self.h5file, 'arrays') logger.debug('HDF5GraphCollection: initialized array group.') = get_or_create_group(self.h5file, 'graphs') # Forward and reverse indices for nodes. if G is not None: index_values = [ G.node_index[k] for k in sorted(G.node_index.keys()) ] else: index_values = [] self.node_index = HDF5ArrayDict( self.h5file, self.agroup, 'node_index', index_values ) # Not stored. self.node_lookup = { v:k for k,v in self.node_index.iteritems() } logger.debug('initialized node index and lookup for {0} nodes' .format(len(self.node_index))) self.edge_list = [] # Not stored. self.graphs = {} gchildren = if len(gchildren) > 0: for child in gchildren: key = child[6:] # Cut off 'graph_' at start. try: # Keys may be ints, but we can't store them that way. key = int(key) except: pass self.graphs[key] = HDF5Graph( self.h5file,, child, None) elif G is None: pass else: for key, graph in G.graphs.iteritems(): name = 'graph_' + str(key) self.graphs[key] = HDF5Graph( self.h5file,, name, graph) self.h5file.flush() def __getitem__(self, key): name = 'graph_' + str(key) try: return self.graphs[key] except KeyError: if name in self.graphs[key] = HDF5Graph( self.h5file,, name, None) else: raise KeyError() def __setitem__(self, key, value): name = 'graph_' + str(key) self.graphs[key] = HDF5Graph(self.h5file,, name, value)
[docs]class HDF5Graph(Graph): def __init__(self, h5file, pgroup, name, graph): if type(h5file) is str: self.h5file, self.path, self.uuid = get_h5file('HDF5Graph', h5file) else: self.h5file = h5file = get_or_create_group(h5file, name, where=pgroup) if graph is None: edge_values = None node_values = None else: edge_values = graph.edge node_values = graph.node self.edge = HDF5EdgeAttributes(h5file,, edge_values) self.node = HDF5NodeAttributes(h5file,, node_values) self.adj = self.edge
[docs] def edges(self, data=False): edges = self.edge.get_edges(data=data) return edges
[docs] def nodes(self, data=False): return self.node.get_nodes(data=data)
def __str__(self): return 'tethne.persistence.hdf5.graphcollection.HDF5Graph object'
[docs] def to_graph(self): """ Convert :class:`.HDF5Graph` to a :class:`.networkx.Graph`\. Returns ------- graph : :class:`.networkx.Graph` """ graph = Graph() # Transfer nodes. for node in self.node.items(): i = node[0] attrs = node[1] graph.add_node(i, attrs) # Transfer edges. for edge in self.edge.items(): i = edge[0] for j, attrs in edge[1].iteritems(): graph.add_edge(i,j,attrs) return graph
[docs] def add_node(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('HDF5Graph does not support item assignment.')
[docs] def add_edge(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('HDF5Graph does not support item assignment.')
[docs]class HDF5EdgeAttributes(object): def __init__(self, h5file, pgroup, edges): self.h5file = h5file = get_or_create_group(h5file, 'edges', where=pgroup) self.fieldgroup = get_or_create_group( h5file, 'fieldgroup', self.fields = get_or_create_table( h5file,, 'fields', FieldIndex) I = [] J = [] K = [] V = [] self.field_values = {} if 'neighbors' in # Data already exists? fieldchildren = self.fieldgroup._v_children.keys() for child in fieldchildren: carray = get_or_create_array( self.h5file, self.fieldgroup, child, None) self.field_values[child] = carray else: # No data in this group. # Get the names and types of attribute fields. fieldkeys = {} mvalues = { 'index': [] } reverse = {} k = 1 for i, neighbors in edges.iteritems(): if i not in reverse: reverse[i] = [] for j, attributes in neighbors.iteritems(): # Avoid adding the same edge twice. if j not in reverse: reverse[j] = [] if j in reverse[i]: continue reverse[j].append(i) I.append(i) J.append(j) K.append(int(k)) k += 1 V.append(attributes) for name, value in attributes.iteritems(): if name not in mvalues: this_type = str(type(value)) fieldkeys[name] = this_type mvalues[name] = [] # Pad 0th entry will null values. mvalues[name].append(mtypes[this_type]) # Generate attribute vectors. for v in V: for name,this_type in fieldkeys.iteritems(): if name in v: mvalues[name].append(v[name]) else: mvalues[name].append(mtypes[this_type]) # Get or create arrays that hold attribute vectors. for name in fieldkeys.keys(): if fieldkeys[name] == str(type([])): mvalues[name] = [ pickle.dumps(v) for v in mvalues[name] ] self.field_values[name] = get_or_create_array(self.h5file, self.fieldgroup, name, mvalues[name]) if len([ r for r in self.fields ]) == 0: # New Graph. # Generate a fields table. for name,this_type in fieldkeys.iteritems(): query = 'name == b"{0}"'.format(name) matches = [ row for row in self.fields.where(query)] if len(matches) == 0: fieldentry = self.fields.row fieldentry['name'] = name fieldentry['type'] = this_type fieldentry.append() self.fields.flush() self.neighbors = SparseArray(self.h5file,, 'neighbors', I, J, K) def __getitem__(self, i): neighbors = self.neighbors.get_neighbors(i) attributes = {} for j in neighbors: j_attributes = {} k = self.neighbors[(i,j)] attributes[j] = self._get_attributes(k) return attributes def _get_attributes(self, k): attr_types = { row['name']:row['type'] for row in self.fields } attr_names = attr_types.keys() attr = {} for name in attr_names: vals = self.field_values[name].read() value = vals[k] this_type = attr_types[name] if this_type == str(type('')): value = str(value) if value == '': continue if this_type == str(type(1)): value = int(value) if value == 0: continue if this_type == str(type(1.1)): value = float(value) if value == 0.0: continue if this_type == str(type(u'')): value = unicode(value) if value == u'': continue if this_type == str(type([])): value = pickle.loads(value) if value == []: continue attr[name] = value return attr def __str__(self): return str({ i:self[i] for i in self.neighbors.nodes() })
[docs] def items(self): return [ (i,self[i]) for i in self.neighbors.nodes() ]
def __len__(self): return self.neighbors.num_edges()
[docs] def get_edges(self, data=False): edges = self.neighbors.get_edges(data=data) if data: edges_with_data = [] attr_types = { row['name']:row['type'] for row in self.fields } attr_names = attr_types.keys() for edge in edges: k = edge[2] attrs = self._get_attributes(k) edges_with_data.append((edge[0], edge[1], attrs)) return edges_with_data return edges
[docs]class SparseArray(object): def __init__(self, h5file, pgroup, name, I, J, K): self.h5file = h5file self.pgroup = pgroup = name = get_or_create_group(h5file, name, where=pgroup) self.I = get_or_create_array(h5file,, 'I', I) self.J = get_or_create_array(h5file,, 'J', J) self.K = get_or_create_array(h5file,, 'K', K) self.h5file.flush() A = coo_matrix(, (, self.shape = A.shape def __getitem__(self, indices): I = numpy.array( J = numpy.array( K = numpy.array( i, j = indices for x in xrange(len(I)): if (I[x] == i and J[x] == j) or (I[x] == j and J[x] == i): return K[x] raise KeyError()
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, i): I = numpy.array( J = numpy.array( neighbors = [] for x in xrange(len(I)): if I[x] == i: neighbors.append(J[x]) if J[x] == i: neighbors.append(I[x]) return neighbors
def __len__(self): return self.shape[1]
[docs] def nodes(self): """ Return a list of nodes for which there are edge data. Returns ------- nodes : list """ nodes = list(set(list( + list( return nodes
[docs] def num_edges(self): A = coo_matrix(, (, return len(A.nonzero()[0])
[docs] def get_edges(self, data=False): I = J = K = if data: return zip(I,J,K) return zip(I,J)
[docs]class HDF5NodeAttributes(object): def __init__(self, h5file, pgroup, attributes=None): self.h5file = h5file = get_or_create_group(h5file, 'nodes', where=pgroup) self.fieldgroup = get_or_create_group( h5file, 'fieldgroup', self.fields = get_or_create_table( self.h5file,, 'fields', FieldIndex) self.field_values = {} if 'I' in # Data already exists? fieldchildren = self.fieldgroup._v_children.keys() for child in fieldchildren: carray = get_or_create_array( self.h5file, self.fieldgroup, child, None) self.field_values[child] = carray self.I = get_or_create_array(h5file,, 'I', []) else: # No data in this group. # Get the names and types of attribute fields. fieldkeys = {} mvalues = { 'index': [] } for node, attribs in attributes.iteritems(): for name, value in attribs.iteritems(): if name not in mvalues: this_type = str(type(value)) fieldkeys[name] = this_type mvalues[name] = [] # Holds node identifiers. indices = sorted(attributes.keys()) # Ensure consistent order. self.I = get_or_create_array(h5file,, 'I', indices) # Generate attribute vectors. for i in indices: for name,this_type in fieldkeys.iteritems(): if name in attributes[i]: mvalues[name].append(attributes[i][name]) else: mvalues[name].append(mtypes[this_type]) # Generate a fields table. for name,this_type in fieldkeys.iteritems(): query = 'name == b"{0}"'.format(name) matches = [ row for row in self.fields.where(query)] if len(matches) == 0: fieldentry = self.fields.row fieldentry['name'] = name fieldentry['type'] = this_type fieldentry.append() self.fields.flush() # Get or create arrays that hold metadata vectors. for name in fieldkeys.keys(): if fieldkeys[name] == str(type([])): mvalues[name] = [ pickle.dumps(v) for v in mvalues[name] ] self.field_values[name] = get_or_create_array( self.h5file, self.fieldgroup, name, mvalues[name]) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.get_nodes())
[docs] def get_nodes(self, data=False): nodes = if data: nodelist = [] for n in nodes: k = list(nodes).index(n) attribs = self._get_attributes(k) nodelist.append((n,attribs)) return nodelist return nodes
[docs] def items(self): return self.get_nodes(data=True)
def __str__(self): return str({ n:a for n,a in self.get_nodes(data=True) }) def __len__(self): return len( def _get_attributes(self, k): attr_types = { row['name']:row['type'] for row in self.fields } attr_names = attr_types.keys() attr = {} for name in attr_names: vals = self.field_values[name].read() value = vals[k] this_type = attr_types[name] if this_type == str(type('')): value = str(value) if value == '': continue if this_type == str(type(1)): value = int(value) if value == 0: continue if this_type == str(type(1.1)): value = float(value) if value == 0.0: continue if this_type == str(type(u'')): value = unicode(value) if value == u'': continue if this_type == str(type([])): value = pickle.loads(value) if value == []: continue attr[name] = value return attr def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise AttributeError('Values can only be set on __init__') def __getitem__(self, key): """ For each field in `self.fields` table, retrieve the value for `key` from the corresponding attribute vector. """ i = list( # Get the metadata array index. fielddata = { row['name']:row['type'] for row in self.fields } meta = {} for name, type in fielddata.iteritems(): meta[name] = self._get_meta_entry(name, i, type) return meta def _get_meta_entry(self, name, index, this_type): """ Retrieve value for `index` from the attribute vector `name`, and cast as `type` before returning. """ vals = self.field_values[name].read() value = vals[index] if this_type == str(type('')): return str(value) if this_type == str(type(1)): return int(value) if this_type == str(type(1.1)): return float(value) if this_type == str(type(u'')): return unicode(value) if this_type == str(type([])): return pickle.loads(value) return value
mtypes = { str(type('')): '', str(type(1)): 0, str(type(1.1)): 0.0, str(type(u'')): u'', str(type([])): pickle.dumps([]) }
[docs]def to_hdf5(G, datapath=None): return HDF5GraphCollection(G, datapath=datapath)
[docs]def from_hdf5(HD_or_path): """ Load a :class:`.GraphCollection` from a :class:`.HDF5GraphCollection`\. Parameters ---------- HD_or_path : str or :class:`.GraphCollection` If str, must be a path to a :class:`.GraphCollection` HDF5 repo. Returns ------- G : :class:`.GraphCollection` Examples -------- From a path: .. code-block:: python >>> model = from_hdf5('/path/to/my/HDF5LDAModel.h5') """ if type(HD_or_path) is str: hmodel = HDF5GraphCollection(datapath=HD_or_path) elif type(HD_or_path) is HDF5GraphCollection: hmodel = HD_or_path else: raise AttributeError('Must provide datapath or HDF5LDAModel object.') G = GraphCollection() for key, graph in hmodel.graphs.iteritems(): G.graphs[key] = graph.to_graph() G.node_index = { k:v for k,v in hmodel.node_index.iteritems() } G.edge_list = [ e for e in hmodel.edge_list ] G.node_lookup = { k:v for k,v in hmodel.node_lookup.iteritems() } return G