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Source code for tethne.analyze.collection

Methods for analyzing :class:`.GraphCollection`\s.

.. autosummary::



import networkx
import graph
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict, Counter

[docs]def algorithm(G, method_name, **kwargs): """ Apply a ``method`` from NetworkX to all :ref:`networkx.Graph <networkx:graph>` objects in the :class:`.GraphCollection` ``G``. For options, see the `list of algorithms <>`_ in the NetworkX documentation. Not all of these have been tested. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`.GraphCollection` The :class:`.GraphCollection` to analyze. The specified method will be applied to each graph in ``G``. method_name : string Name of a method in NetworkX to execute on graph collection. **kwargs A list of keyword arguments that should correspond to the parameters of the specified method. Returns ------- results : dict Indexed by element (node or edge) and graph index (e.g. ``date``). Raises ------ ValueError If no such method exists. Examples -------- *Betweenness centrality:* (``G`` is a :class:`.GraphCollection`\) .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.analyze import collection >>> BC = collection.algorithm(G, 'betweenness_centrality') >>> print BC[0] {1999: 0.010101651117889644, 2000: 0.0008689093723107329, 2001: 0.010504898852426189, 2002: 0.009338654511194512, 2003: 0.007519105636349891} """ warnings.warn("To be removed in 0.8. Use GraphCollection.analyze instead.", DeprecationWarning) return G.analyze(method_name, **kwargs)
[docs]def connected(G, method_name, **kwargs): """ Performs analysis methods from networkx.connected on each graph in the collection. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`.GraphCollection` The :class:`.GraphCollection` to analyze. The specified method will be applied to each graph in ``G``. method : string Name of method in networkx.connected. **kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments, passed directly to method. Returns ------- results : dict Keys are graph indices, values are output of method for that graph. Raises ------ ValueError If name is not in networkx.connected, or if no such method exists. """ warnings.warn("To be removed in 0.8. Use GraphCollection.analyze instead.", DeprecationWarning) return G.analyze(['connected', method_name], **kwargs)
[docs]def attachment_probability(G, raw=False): """ Calculates the attachment probability for each node at each time-step. The attachment probability for a node at a particular graph state ``t`` is the probability that the next edge added to the graph will accrue to that node. The MLE for attachment probability is thus the observed fraction of all new edges in graph state ``t + 1`` that accrue to a particular node. Note that values will only be calculated for nodes present in state ``t``. In other words, if in ``t + 1`` a new node is introduced who also accrues new edges, that node will **not** appear in the results for state ``t``. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`.GraphCollection` raw : bool (default: ``False``) If ``True``, nodes are represented by their integer ids in ``G``, rather than their label. Returns ------- probs : dict Keyed by index in ``G``, and then by node. If ``raw`` is True, node keys will be integer indices from the GraphCollection's ``node_index``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from tethne.readers.wos import read >>> corpus = read("/path/to/my/data") >>> from tethne import coauthors, GraphCollection >>> collection = GraphCollection(corpus, coauthors) >>> from tethne.analyze.collection import attachment_probability >>> probs = attachment_probability(collection) """ probs = {} keys = sorted(G.keys()) attach = defaultdict(Counter) for i, key in enumerate(keys): graph = G[key] if i == 0: # All calculations are retrospective, so we can last = G[key] # skip the first graph. last_key = key continue for node in graph.nodes(): if node not in last.node: continue new = len(set(graph.neighbors(node)) - set(last.neighbors(node))) attach[last_key][node] = new # The MLE for node attachment probability is the observed fraction of # all new edges in a time-step that accrue to a particular node. N = 1. * sum(attach[last_key].values()) attach[last_key] = dict([ (node, attach[last_key][node]/N if attach[last_key][node] > 0 else 0.) for node in last.nodes()]) networkx.set_node_attributes(G[last_key], 'attachment_probability', attach[last_key]) last = G[key] last_key = key # Nodes in the last graph have 0 probability, but we want to include this # graph for symmetry with the collection. attach[key] = {node: 0. for node in graph.nodes()} networkx.set_node_attributes(G[key], 'attachment_probability', attach[key]) if raw: return attach return {key: {G.node_index[node]: prob for node, prob in values.iteritems()} for key, values in attach.iteritems()}