
tethne.networks package

Module contents

Methods for building networks from bibliographic data.

Each network relies on certain meta data in the Paper associated with each document. Often we wish to construct a network with nodes representing these documents and edges representing relationships between those documents, but this is not always the case.

Where it is the case, it is recommended but not required that nodes are represented by an identifier from {ayjid, wosid, pmid, doi}. Each has certain benefits. If the documents to be networked come from a single database source such as the Web of Science, wosid is most appropriate. If not, using doi will result in a more accurate, but also more sparse network; while ayjid will result in a less accurate, but more complete network.

Any type of meta data from the Paper may be used as an identifier, however.

We use “head” and “tail” nomenclature to refer to the members of a directed edge (x,y), x -> y, xy, etc. by calling x the “tail” and y the “head”.


authors Methods for generating networks in which authors are vertices.
features Methods for building networks from terms in bibliographic records.
papers Methods for generating networks in which papers are vertices.
topics Build networks from topics in a topic model.